Tainted Blood and Prejudice- Chapter 16

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Tainted Blood and Prejudice


Chapter 16

                When Anna climbed back through her window that night she let out a yelp as suddenly all the candles in her bedroom lit up. There stood her father, Remus Lupin.

                “Have we been out for a midnight stroll?” Lupin asked her calmly.

                Anna hated to lie to him, “I just went out for a bit of fresh air,” Anna responded, “it is terribly hot this time of year.”

                “It sure is,” Lupin said, looking at her closely, “flying always helps cool one off.”

                Anna realized he knew what she had been doing and with who.

                “Anna, I have told you not to have any contact with Draco Malfoy,” Lupin said tiredly.

                “I can’t stop seeing him,” Anna cried desperately.

                “Anna, his father is a death eater who would kill any of you who stood in the dark lord’s way. You don’t know how much danger you are putting yourself in, not only you, but Tonks and myself as well. You know we are members of the Order of the Phoenix and Tonks is an auror. Did you not think about this?”

                “I’m sorry, Lupin,” she replied, still not able to get used to calling him father, “But Draco is different. I don’t believe he would hurt me.”

                “But you don’t know this as a fact,” Lupin emphasized, “and anyone under the dark lord’s influence will do exactly as he says,” Lupin sat on the bed beside her.

                “I care for him,” Anna said quietly.

                Lupin put his arm around her shoulders, “And I am not telling you to stop caring about him. I am asking you that until all of this madness in our world is over, and Voldemort is destroyed, that you refrain from seeing him. I know it is hard, but and we can’t always choose who we come to care about, but for my peace of mind promise me you will be careful. I don’t want to lose my only child just when I’ve finally got her back in my life.”

                Anna hugged him, knowing he was only worried about her safety, “I will try,” she promised, but Anna knew if Draco asked her, she would meet with him again.

                But Draco didn’t ask her or owl her the rest of the summer. Anna walked around moping and depressed and Lupin and Tonks were concerned for her. It was getting close to time for Anna’s next year at Hogwarts; she would be a 6th year. All she had to look forward to was the hopes of seeing Draco again.       

                Anna knew she must be pathetic, to have fallen for someone like Draco Malfoy. Out of all the boys at Hogwarts she had to like him. But it was more than just liking him. It felt more like love, because she could feel her heart breaking. Anna knew that he was no longer interested in her. Especially after finding out that her father was the werewolf, Lupin. He was avoiding her on purpose and probably wanted nothing else to do with her, a girl with werewolf tainted blood running through her veins. That was what really hurt.

6th year

                Anna boarded the train to Hogwarts, joining Luna and Neville in the compartment they were in. She had hugged both Lupin and Tonks goodbye before boarding and Lupin again warned her to be careful and stay clear of Draco. It was odd having her new found father ringing his hands nervously as he watched her board as though she were a first year.

                Anna finally saw Draco at the sorting feast, but he would never look her way. Anna was just pleased he had decided to come back to the school. But it was a very different Draco Malfoy then the one she was used to. He wasn’t joking around or speaking to any of his fellow Slytherins like he used to and he was still wearing all black. He looked older to her, as if he was weighed down. He had gotten a little taller, but he had also lost weight. Anna wanted so bad to go to him, but she knew that would be social suicide, not to mention the fact of what it would do to her heart if he rejected her.

                It didn’t take long until Anna noticed all the stares and the whispers behind hands as the other students looked at her. So they were all finding out now who her real father was. Anna noticed many were avoiding her and were going out of their way not to come near her. Everyone that is, except her friends from the D.A. Anna realized she was getting a taste of some of the things her father had gone through. It was then that the anger hit her and she wished she could turn into a full fledge werewolf, instead of just being sick; she’d show them then.

Draco’s pov

                Draco sat at the Slytherin table, not really paying attention to what was going on. His mind was on other things. And he was trying his best not to look at the dark haired, hazel eyed girl sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Draco knew that Anna was looking his way now and then, but he worked hard to avoid her gaze. There were only two reasons he was here at Hogwarts at all. One was the dark lord had required it of him. Second, and the biggest, was the beautiful Ravenclaw girl sitting away from him. it felt good just being in the same room as Anna, even if he couldn’t do anything about it. At least here he was around her, and if he felt her presence, then it was enough for him. Draco knew he was probably hurting her by avoiding her all summer and now here at Hogwarts, but he had too. He had been too corrupted over the summer to ever hope to have someone like Anna.

                “Can you believe what I just heard?” Goyle shouted, “One of the Hufflepuff’s just said that the Ravenclaw, Annabelle Blackburn, you know, the one in the D.A.. Well, she is Lupin’s daughter.”

                Draco listened intently, his hand tightening on his cup.

                “You are kidding,” Pansy shrieked with laughter, “With her tainted blood, do you think she’s a werewolf too?”

                “I don’t know, but that’s what I’m hearing,” Goyle replied.

                “What about it, Draco? What do you think?” Crabbe punched his arm lightly and then let out a tremendous howl, imitating a wolf. It was all Draco could do not to connect his fist to Crabbe’s fat face. All the Slytherins’ burst out in laughter, with the exception of Draco and Blaise Zambini. Blaise simply looked at Draco, but didn’t say anything. He was the only one who had any clue that Draco and Anna might have some kind of relationship after he’d delivered Anna’s message to Draco over the summer.

                Draco finally looked over at Anna’s table. He knew she had heard Crabbe because she sat stiffly at the table and her cheeks were flushed. As the sorting feast came to an end, Draco watched helplessly as Anna quickly made for the door and it was all he could do not to run after her. He knew she was hurting from the way everyone was reacting about her possible tainted blood, but there was nothing he could do about it.

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