Meeting Mr. Black- Chapter 11

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Meeting Mr. Black


Chapter 11

                Anna and the other D.A. students were getting ready to leave the Room of Requirement. Most of them had found out about Anna’s parents being missing and were very sympathetic. Ginny, Ron and the twins, as well as Harry, had invited her to spend Christmas break with them instead of staying at Hogwarts, and Anna was considering taking them up on it.

                She walked over to where Harry was standing to have a word with him when she noticed photos pinned to a mirror. One was of Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff who’d been killed by Voldemort last year. The other was an old photo of a large group of people, all standing proudly together. They seemed very united. As Anna scanned the photo she did a double take. There amid the group was her mother, Meredith.

                “Harry, who are all these people?” she asked stunned.

                “That is a photo of the Original Order of the Phoenix. A group organized by Dumbledore to take a stand against Voldemort,” he said looking at it himself.

                “My mother is in that photo,” Anna whispered, stunned. Her mother had never mentioned any involvement in a group to defeat the dark lord.

                “Really,” Harry said surprised.

                Anna noticed her mother was standing next to a man Anna did not know, but for some reason he seemed familiar. She looked over the photo again but saw no sign of her father. “I had no idea. She never told me anything about it.” Anna was feeling a little hurt by this fact. That was something very important and special and her mother had never shared it with her.

                “I’m not surprised,” Harry said, “it is a secret group. It had to be to protect the members.”

                “Who is that man she is standing next to?” Anna pointed at the man in the dark shabby clothing. He had a haunted look to him, as though he had seen or been through a lot. He had dark hair in need of a cut. There were a few scars on his face, and a really large one running from his cheek down to his other jaw. Anna couldn’t tell his eye color because the photo was black and white, but she could tell that if not for the scars and the scruffy hair he would be a very handsome man..

                “That is Professor Lupin. He was our third year Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He was the absolute best one we’ve ever had and probably ever will. He’s a very good wizard,” Harry said proudly, as though he knew him personally.

                Lupin, the name was so familiar. Anna ran the name through her brain. It was the same name that Prof. Dumbledore and Snape had mentioned when she had been in the Hospital wing that first time she got sick. By the look of the photo, her mother and this man seemed very close.

                “You should feel proud Anna that your mum was a part of it. They were some of the only ones willing to make a stand against Voldemort .”

                Anna couldn’t shake the feeling that her parents’ disappearance and this photo were connected. With the dark lord being back, it only made sense that he would first go after the people who worked against him.

                Right before Christmas break it happened that Mr. Weasley was attacked at the Department of Mysteries. The injuries were severe and he had to be sent to the wizarding hospital of St. Mungos. Harry asked Anna if she still wanted to spend Christmas with them and Anna agreed to. Harry met Anna at the train station and took her to #12 Grimmauld Place. He went ahead and warned her that they would be staying with his godfather, none other than the notorious, Sirius Black. Harry explained about the lies being told about him from the Ministry and how he was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. When they arrived Sirius greeted them, he was both kind and gracious.

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