One Passionate Night- Chapter 26

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One Passionate Night

Chapter 26

                Draco woke in the night to a warm body pressed softly against his own. He realized it was Anna. She had somehow made her way over to him in the night and was now lying sideways against him, her arm and hand on his bare chest and her night gown had rode up and was bunched up around her hips her thigh and leg thrown over his own leg. He wasn’t sure if she was even wearing panties. But what made it almost unbearable was the feeling of her soft breath teasing his neck, her face close to his. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it, but the desire he was feeling that had built up all day had to stop because he ached to touch her.

                He and Anna had already made love one time, it had been her first time, and he would never forget it. They were made for each other, but it could not happen again. Not if he was going to distance himself from her. He had things to do and she would only end up hurt, like she’d almost ended up the night before when Greyback had snatched her. But Anna wasn’t making it easy for him.

                Draco used his free arm to try and move Anna’s leg off his. It didn’t work. It only made her move into him more. He tried the same with her arm but she just put it back on his chest, but this time her hands weren’t still. She was running her hand and fingers along his chest, soft as butterfly wings, as she caressed him, moving her way along his rib cage and going up to his neck. Draco could feel his body tightening and responding to her and his control was snapping as he brought his hand up to her lower thigh and ran it up her leg, softly touching her skin as he went. He discovered that she was naked under that night gown as his hand caressed her soft bottom. He continued moving his way up to her waist. Draco finally rolled over sideways, facing Anna, his hand slowly moving up to her shoulder.

                In the dim light of the moon coming from his window he could see her face. Her eyes were closed , her long dark lashes lying like fans against her high cheek bones. And then he looked at her lips, soft and full and begging to be kissed. He brought his hand up into her hair, running his fingers through the silky stuff and Anna moaned his name softly and that was all it took. Draco captured her lips in a kiss that started slow but quickly intensified until they were on fire.

                Draco’s sweet Anna turned into a wild thing. Draco found himself pushed over, lying flat on his bed as Anna straddled him and begin kissing and sucking on his neck gently. Her hair had fallen like a silken curtain around his face. Then she slowly worked her way down his body, kissing and touching him everywhere, her hair leaving a fiery trail. Draco didn’t stop her but helped her as she took off his boxers, tossing them at the end of the bed. And then her hands were on him down there, but when he felt her lips touching him there he nearly bounced off the bed. She just laughed a soft sexy laugh. At first Draco hadn’t been sure if she was fully awake and aware of what all she was doing, but now he knew better.

                Draco clenched both sides of the sheets with his fist as Anna took him in her mouth, her hands still on his body. He had to control himself to keep from moaning out loud in pleasure. He realized he had to stop her before he exploded. He grabbed her shoulders and then started pulling the gown over her head and tossed it aside, not surprised to see her glorious naked body over him. he pulled her up into his arms, giving her a mind blowing kiss and rolled over with her, his body covering hers.

                Now it was her turn as Draco went down the length of her body, kissing every inch of it, his hands leaving a fiery trail that had Anna trembling. He even went down to her toes and then started moving his way back up to her stomach, he gently nudged her legs apart and captured her in her most private center with his lips and tongue. This time Anna nearly shot off the bed and Draco chuckled. Her hands were threaded through his platinum hair. Draco stayed there, his tongue driving her insane until she moaned his name, “Draco, please,” she begged desperately, wanting something that was just out of her reach, but she could feel it building. He knew what she wanted as he came back up between her legs and slowly entered her. But slow wasn’t what Anna wanted, as she pushed him on his back, straddling him. Draco looked up at her magnificent body in the moonlight. She looked like some ancient, mythological moon goddess, her dark hair shining and hanging wildly around her shoulders, creamy skin that glowed. But it was her eyes that got him; they were shining in the light, a green fire with light flecks of brown in them that burned like embers. Anna increased their tempo and then started making sweet little whimpering noises that were driving Draco wild. He reached up and pulled her face gently to his own and capturing her lips they continued to move, both of their cries muffled by each other’s kisses as they exploded together, Anna finally collapsing on top of Draco’s chest, Draco’s arms wrapped around her. Anna’s breathing was heavy but starting to calm down a little.

                “Anna,” Draco whispered breathlessly, his hands running down her back “are you alright?”

                Anna brought her head up and looked him in the eyes. There was fierceness in them that almost frightened him, “I want you to try and forget what we just had when you are in your little pureblood arranged marriage,” she hissed. Anna untangled herself from him and snatched up her night gown from the floor and headed for the bathroom. Draco’s eyes followed her in semi-shock; he didn’t think Anna had such cruelty in her.

                Anna sat in the bathroom, her night gown back on, tears rolling down her face. She had wanted to hurt him, but all she ended up doing was hurting herself by being with him, knowing he would never be hers. Why couldn’t he realize they were made for each other? Instead he wanted to push her aside and eventually marry some twit his parents picked for him. Anna could not stop what had happened between them because she didn’t want to. In fact, she still felt desire for him flowing through her veins and she knew it would always be that way with them, whether they were together or not.

                Anna dried her tears. It was doing no good feeling sorry for herself. Draco was going to do what his parents, especially his father, wanted him to do, and that was that. She would just have to try and move on, which would be next to impossible.

                Anna left the bathroom. Draco was up sitting on the edge of his bed, his boxers back on. Anna slipped by him and headed to the closet saying nothing.

                “Anna,” Draco started saying hesitantly.

                “Don’t say anything,” she whispered roughly, “What happened, happened. I’m not going to say I’m sorry about it or that I wish it hadn’t because then I would be lying, so please don’t ruin it.”

                Draco just looked at her, a torn desperate look on his face. He wished she could understand why he was pushing her away, but then if she knew the truth and what he was now, she would never want to see him again anyway.

                The next two days passed by awkwardly for Draco and Anna after what had happened that night. They both were careful around each other and didn’t say much. The time came for Draco to sneak her out of the house, using the invisibility cloak. Lucky for them no one was in the manor but Draco’s mother. She kissed Draco goodbye and watched them as they headed to the family’s car, not noticing Anna under the cloak. Anna had left all the clothes that Draco had bought her there, except for what she was wearing, not wanting to take them. Things went smoothly as the car made its way to London and the train station that would take them back to Hogwarts.

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