Together Always (The Madness is Over)- Chapter 53 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Together Always (The Madness is Over)

Chapter 53

                Draco spent the night in Anna’s arms, their baby girl asleep in the crib in the room with him. Draco’s joy was such that he could hardly sleep, he just dozed, waking up to kiss or gently touch Anna, still not quite believing he’d actually found her and she was here, lying warm in his arms. But she was, and the excitement of having her again did little to help him sleep. Anna would wake up to and snuggle in closer to him or kiss his neck and face and then fall back to sleep her hands on his chest. After being apart for so long it was still hard to believe that they would now be able to spend every waking moment together, just like this if they chose to and all thanks to Harry defeating Voldemort.

                The next morning Anna was in the kitchen fixing breakfast as Draco feed Dora her cereal and bottle. More of the cereal was going on him than in Dora’s mouth. They both started discussing where they would live, but both agreed it would not be Malfoy Manor.

                “What about our family's cabin down by the lake?” Draco asked, “it’s large enough and has four bedrooms and we can always add on if we need to. We can keep the townhouse here too if you want to?”

                Anna thought about it. The cabin was lovely and it was the place where they had spent the night when she had conceived Dora. Plus it was closer to Andromeda, Teddy and Draco’s parents. “I think it would be a great place to raise a family,” Anna said with a smile as she flipped the pancakes in the skillet. Draco came up behind her, his arms going around her and rested his chin on her neck. Draco asked her if he might be able to contact his mother and father so they could come see Dora. At first Anna was hesitant, but she did not want to hurt Narcissa, so she agreed. They prepared for Narcissa and Lucius’s arrival. The nanny, Ms. O’Donnel showed up and Anna was able to introduce Draco properly as her fiancée and Dora’s father. Ms. O’Donnel was happy to meet him and so thrilled that Anna was going to be married and Dora would be with her father.

                There was a knock on the door and Draco went to answer it, thinking it was his parents. He was shocked to see Rafe standing there in the doorway.

                “Well I’m glad to see that one of you came to your senses,” Rafe said as Anna walked up beside Draco, taking his hand in her own, the huge diamond shining on her finger.

                “She is already taken, Montgomery,” Draco growled, getting angry.

                “Good, Malfoy. It’s about time you got around to it,” Rafe said smartly.

                Rafe had come to say good-bye to Anna and Dora; he was going back home to America. As he was leaving he hugged Anna, “You better treat her right, Malfoy, or I’ll come across the pond and kick your ass.” Rafe left, promising Anna he would stay in touch.

                “He doesn’t have to worry about that,” Draco said, pulling Anna into his arms, “because I plan on treating you like a queen,” he leaned down and kissed her softly. They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Narcissa and Lucius had arrived. Narcissa hugged Anna tightly, and Lucius stood off to the side quietly.

                “Okay, I want to see my granddaughter,” Narcissa demanded firmly, “I have missed her long enough.”

                Anna watched with a smile as Narcissa took Dora into her arms and she saw the tears in the woman’s eyes. Narcissa was a natural with Dora and Anna still could not believe how Dora had taken right to her. Surprisingly, Lucius came over; taking Dora’s little hand in his own. At first Dora gave him a serious look as she studied him. Dora surprised everyone when she started smiling and talking baby talk, reaching her little arms out to Lucius for him to hold her. Lucius took her hesitantly and Dora reached up, grabbing a handful of long silvery hair and pulled it, laughing when Lucius said, “Ow.” Dora and her grandfather hit it off great, both of them laughing and smiling as Dora tugged on his hair some more, getting him to make funny noises.

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