A Pretty Good Start- Chapter 1

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A Pretty Good Start

Chapter 1


                Draco Malfoy looked around at all the students loading the train heading for another year at Hogwarts. Parents were wishing their kids well and saying goodbye. His own mother, Narcissa, was fusing over his robe, straightening it with her hands.

                “Don’t forget to send me plenty of owls Draco,” she fused.

                “I will mother,” he answered, frustrated over her fusing over him.

                “Draco,” his father, Lucius Malfoy spoke up, his voice stern and demanding, “You better make us proud son because I have had enough of Potter showing you up.”

                “Yes Father,” Draco said gruffly.

                “Lucius really, do you have to stay on him so?” Narcissa hissed softly, “I know Draco will do his best,” she smiled, “that’s all that matters.”

                His father just gave him that look that told him he’d better not forget he was a Malfoy and better than everyone else. He could hear him drilling it in his head now since he was old enough to remember.” We are Malfoy’s and we are the best. Our family bloodlines date back as far as can be recorded. We are pure bloods, anyone less than that is scum.”

                The train whistle blew its final warning. Draco hugged his mother and then headed for the train. He boarded and made his way to join his fellow Slytherins. Before he opened the door he stood there for a minute. He had to work on his best Prince of Slytherin look; it wasn’t easy being the cocky, self-centered leader of their group all the time. He was about to slide the door open to their car when someone tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me,” a sweet, prim voice spoke up. Draco turned and looked at whoever dared to touch him. He must have still had his sneering look on his face.

                “I am sorry,” she stuttered, “I didn’t mean to bother you.”

                Draco was looking into the most gorgeous green eyes he had ever seen. They were a deep green, almost hazel. And she had the voice of an angel. He tried to think quickly if he knew her. She was around his age with beautiful, flawless skin, soft pink lips and dark silky hair. She started turning away, but Draco grabbed her arm lightly.

                “Hey, do you need something?” he asked, wiping the sneer from his face.

                She turned back to him and he nearly caught his breath, she was stunning in a sweet way.

                “Actually, I was trying to figure out where I need to go,” she spoke in that soft musical voice.

                “You’ve never been to Hogwarts?” he asked in disbelief.

                “I know it’s crazy, but this is my first time.”

                That explained why he didn’t know her, she was new to Hogwarts. But why was she starting so late?

                “What year are you?” he asked.

                “I am starting my 5th year,” she replied.

                “I’m a 5th year also,” Draco was definitely hoping to see more of her in his classes, “What house have you been placed in?” he crossed his fingers, hoping it was Slytherin.

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