No Place I Belong- Chapter 44

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No Place I Belong

Chapter 44

Please forgive me for the late update!!!'Had trouble w/ my puter and couldn't update! Hope to continue / no problems :) Please enjoy!!!

                Hogwarts was no longer the same. Now that Snape was headmaster and the death eaters ran the school, it had become a very gloomy and depressing place. A lot of Anna’s former friends were shocked to see her back, especially since she’d already missed the first four months at school. Neville, Ginny, Luna and others from the D.A. would try to question her on why she was no longer with the Order and why she was back , but Anna told them nothing, trying her best to avoid them. In fact she tried her best to avoid everyone. She had sent the owl to Tonks explaining that she had decided to return to Hogwarts, for Tonks and Lupin not to worry about her and that she was alright. She didn’t expect a reply because Tonks and all the others were in hiding, but a trunk arrived the next day with all of her things.

                All of their teachers were the same except for the Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies. Those positions had been filled by the twin death eaters, the Carrows. The sister, Alecto, was over Muggle Studies, which was more like muggle hating classes, and the brother, Amycus, was over Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was actually a class in the use of Dark arts and torture.  Amycus went out of his way to torture most of the students, using Crabbe, Goyle and a few other bullies from Slytherin to perform curses on the other students, trying to force the other students to do the same. He tried to get Anna to perform the Crusiatus curse on a fellow Hufflepuff, but she refused, which caused him to use the curse against her. As Anna lay there crying out in pain, suddenly it stopped.

                Anna looked up to see Draco standing beside the Carrow twin, his wand digging into the side of his neck, “Touch her again,” Draco sneered, “and you’re dead. Do you understand me?” Draco pressed his wand deeper into the flesh of his neck. “Do you understand?” he shouted.

                Amycus nodded his head yes. All the other students were watching them as Draco kept his wand pointed at Amycus as he helped Anna to her feet. Draco quickly left the classroom with Anna. He found an empty classroom down the hall and led her in there, making her sit down on top of the huge teachers desk.

                “Let me look at you,” he said, cupping her face gently and looking her over, looking deeply into Anna’s hazel eyes. He ran his hands down her limbs and along her body until he came to her small round stomach.

                “I’m alright,” Anna said, her eyes starting to tear up, “I am not going to perform any curses on fellow students.”

                “Anna, I will not always be around to protect you,” Draco said harshly, “and you are a death eater now. You do not need to give them any reason to report back to the dark lord.”

                “I don’t care,” she said roughly, “I may be a death eater because of this mark, but I will not act like one, so don’t expect me to,” Anna got up from the desk, pushing away from him and heading for the door.

                “Anna, I’m sorry,” Draco said, grabbing Anna’s arm, pulling her into his own arms, his silver blue eyes looking at her sincerely, “I know that you would never hurt anyone, but I just do not want you hurt.”

                Anna’s arms went around Draco. It was always comforting for her when she was in his arms, “It is just so awful here,” she cried, her tears soaking his shirt, “I wish I didn’t have to be here at Hogwarts. There is no place I belong.” Anna's thoughts darkend. It was true, there was no place she belonged. The dark mark she had taken to save Draco insured she would never again belong to her father and Tonk's world.

                Draco held Anna tightly, running his hands and fingers down through her hair and along her back, “Me too, sweetheart,” he agreed, “But at least were together. It could be worse.”            

                Anna knew he was right. Voldemort could have had them doing anything, but he had chosen for them to return to Hogwarts to keep an eye out for Harry returning to the school.

                Time goes by slowly at Hogwarts and it is already the end of February and still no signs or word of Harry Potter. Anna’s belly was starting to fill out with Draco’s baby, but she wore her robe all the time so no one realized she was expecting. Other than her small rounded belly, no one would know she was pregnant.

                Thoughts of her baby were starting to fill her head all the time. She was so afraid that something was going to happen to her child. That the dark lord would find out and do something to harm it. And then there was Draco. He was treating her so good, sharing meals with her in the great hall, which had all the other students looking at them strangely, some treating her as if she were a traitor. If they only knew what was on her left arm, then they would surely treat her like she deserved to be.

                Anna and Draco would spend time together almost every evening, usually in the Astronomy Tower. They would both just lie there in their secret place on the sofa, Anna lying against Draco’s chest, his hands gently caressing her small round belly. The baby had just barely started kicking and moving and Draco was in awe. Sometimes he would press his lips or face against her stomach and say sweet little baby things to their baby. It touched Anna deeply and would bring tears to her eyes as she thought what a wonderful father Draco was going to be.

                But even with all the time they were spending together, not once did Draco bring up marriage or marrying her. Anna was beginning to wonder if he ever would. Anna knew Draco loved her, but she was starting to wonder if he might be ashamed of the fact that she wasn’t a pureblood and her father was a werewolf.

                “Draco, does it bother you that your child’s blood might be tainted because of my father?” Anna asked him one night as they lay there in each other’s arms. It was something that worried Anna a little bit, the thought that her father’s lycanthropy might be transferred to her baby. Anna herself had only inherited the sickness; she didn’t change into a werewolf. But she still had to take the wolfsbane potion every full moon to keep from being so sick.

                Draco sighed, “Anna, I know our baby will be fine. I am not worried about that and neither should you,” he placed his hand on her stomach gently, and then the baby kicked and Draco could feel the movement, “See, she is going to be just fine.”

                “How do you know it’s a girl?” Anna asked with a little laugh.

                “Because I want a beautiful baby girl like her mother.”

                Anna turned sideways so she could look at Draco, they both faced each other, her stomach against him, “Well, maybe I want a platinum haired, blue eyed baby boy who is handsome like his father,” she said softly, running her hand along Draco’s cheek.

                Draco brought his lips close to Anna’s, “Both would be great. I don’t care as long as you and the baby are healthy,” Draco captured Anna’s lips in a sweet kiss, then deepened it and all worries and doubts about marriage left Anna’s mind as Draco’s kiss consumed her. Anna’s thoughts now were on how much she wished they could stay like this forever.

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