I Would Have Searched Forever- Chapter 52

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I Would Have Searched Forever 

Chapter 52

                It had taken Draco nearly 3 months after talking to Andromeda to finally locate Anna in London. Draco had searched London from one end to the other with no luck, until it hit him to check under the name Lupin. He didn’t know why he hadn’t thought about the fact that she might use her father’s last name.

                Draco walked slowly down the street looking for the number on the line of townhouses. It was nice neighborhood and Draco was thankful for that. Some of the places he had looked for Anna were rather shady areas and it terrified him at the thought that she might be living in something like that. But somehow she’d had the money to afford a nice place to live.

                It was a cold and windy morning for late November and he pulled his jacket and scarf tight against the wind. He was dressed like a muggle. In fact he had taken to wearing muggle clothing and really liked them better than the old designer black suits he had been used to. The clothes he wore were stylish yet comfortable, and they helped him blend in with his muggle surroundings.

                Draco finally found the townhouse number he was looking for, but fear hit him. Draco was afraid to knock on the door. What if Anna didn’t want to see him again? Or what if she’d found someone else, like Rafe Montgomery? He didn’t know how he would react or if he could take it. Draco did not know what had come over him, he had never been a timid or shy person, but he was now. Draco went over to the front window and tried to catch a glimpse of Anna in the room.

                As he looked through the window he caught sight of an older woman, holding a baby. A beautiful dark-haired baby, with curling hair and tears came to Draco’s eyes as he realized that it was his daughter he was seeing. Then he saw her light blue eyes looking at him out the window. They were his eyes looking back at him, a light blue, almost silver. It took all his strength to contain himself and not march over and pound on the door, demanding to see his child. And then Annabelle walked into the room and his breath caught in his throat. It had been so long since Hogwarts. She was so beautiful, her long dark hair hanging in waves down her back. She was even lovelier than he remembered and the sight of her had tears running down his cheek. He had finally found her.  Draco had been on the verge of giving up on her, but her she was, right through the glass in front of him.

                Draco watched her walk into the foyer and grab a dark gray wool coat from the rack and began slipping it on. Anna had gotten her lovely curvy figure back after their baby. She was wearing a slim pair of skinny jeans and a tight fitting, light pink cashmere sweater and a pair of dark pink ballerina like slipper shoe. He watched her with longing, his heart beating faster just looking at her. Anna walked back into the room and he had to duck down a little so she didn’t see him at the window. Anna kissed her baby girl and then headed for the front door.

                Draco quickly stood back in the shadow of the tree outside her townhouse and watched her leave down the steps, and she made her way quickly down the street; completely unaware of him as he followed her in the shadows, keeping a good distance behind Anna.

                Several blocks later, Anna arrived at a cozy little bookshop called The Turning Page. Draco watched her unlock the door and looked through the window as she cut lights on and got everything ready for customers. Another employee who ran the little tea and coffee shop inside came in, so Draco waited until other customers started coming in and pulled his hood up over his head as he went into the shop.

                Anna couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. She had felt it the entire walk to the shop and she felt it now. She was busy on the rolling ladder, organizing some of the lesser selling books on the upper shelves. Their little shop had just about every book imaginable so it made for a lot of book shelves. When the service bell rang at the customer service desk Anna made her way down and through the aisles to the front of the store, but no one was there. Anna looked down at the counter top where a small stack of books had been left. There sat a small leather bound copy of “Romeo and Juliet” , a copy just like the one she’d had back at Hogwarts when she first started and Draco had made her read it to him, threatening to turn her in to Umbridge is she didn’t. This book was the very first book she had read to Draco, when he had used her books as an excuse to spend time with her, but he had ended up enjoying them as much as she did. Anna felt a shiver run through her as a sense of something about to happen came over her.

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