Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?- Chapter 4

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Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?

Chapter 4


                Why couldn’t he have just asked her to tell him about the book? She would have, if he’d asked she would have done it willingly. But here she was a quarter til 7 on a Friday night in the astronomy tower, Romeo and Juliet in hand, waiting on Draco Malfoy to show up. Why on earth did he want to know about her book? She had already heard enough about him and his family to know that they did not like muggles or anything to do with them. If he wasn’t here in the next five minutes she was leaving and she didn’t care if she did risk detention with Umbridge. Anna waited a little longer and then started to go back down the stairs.

                “Going somewhere?” a voice asked.

                Anna recognized Draco’s smirk even though she didn’t see him and she turned. He was walking in from the outside balcony.

                “Have you been here all this time?” Anna huffed, pushing her dark hair back out of her eyes.


                “Well, you could have made yourself known,” she walked up the few stairs she had started going down.

                “Come on,” Draco took her hand and Anna had to admit it felt good in his warm one. “We’ll sit here,” and he showed her to a small cozy nook in the corner near the balcony with a cushioned sofa. There were windows all around and the stars twinkled in the dark night sky. Anna sat down, Draco sitting beside her. She scooted a little away from him.

                “I can’t very well read in the dark,” she commented.

                “Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered,” he smirked, using his wand to light a few candles sitting behind them on the window ledge behind them.

                “Okay,” Anna asked impatiently, “shall I begin?” not believing that she was about to read Romeo and Juliet to Draco Malfoy of all people.

                She began to read and as she did Draco started laughing.

                “What is so funny?” she asked angrily.

                “I’m sorry,” he laughed. Draco was genuinely laughing without being smart, “but what kind of story is this and what’s up with the language?”

                “Well, it was written over four hundred years ago for one, and second, it’s a play written by one of the greatest muggle playwrights ever,” Anna explained a little huffy, “Look if you don’t want to hear it then I will stop wasting your time and mine. I’d be glad to stop.”

                “No, go on. I want to see why you find it so fascinating. I mean especially since it was written by a muggle,” Draco sneered.

                “Then don’t interrupt me again or you will just have to turn me over to Umbridge.”


                Anna took up where she left off and Draco listened intently, absorbing it all in. At first it was hard to understand but then he started understanding it the more she read. He enjoyed watching her read and she brought each character to life with their own personality as if she’d read it a thousand times. Anna’s face would become animated with each characters emotion. From comedy, love, indifference and grief, he saw all these emotions in her. Who was this girl? She was always in his thoughts, even when she wasn’t around, he found himself thinking about her and his eyes were always drawn to her when she was in the room. Of course she was pretty, but a lot of other girls at Hogwarts were pretty even beautiful. But there was something more to Annabelle Blackburn.

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