Beep beep beep
"OH SHIT", I burst out. I'll be late for school on my first day! I head to the bathroom and get ready. No breakfast for today, I'm too late! I head out of the house and take the bus to school. I arrive there after around ten minutes, I grab my backpack and get out of the bus.
I take a deep breath and start walking into school. Almost everyone stares at me and whispers stuff behind my back. I hate being the new kid. I don't even know why, but at every school I've been so far, nobody seems to like me. I make my way up to the principals office and knock at the door.
"Come in!", the principal sais and I get in.
"My name is Tobin Heath and I'm new here..", I mumble looking at the ground.
"Hello Tobin. My name is Mrs Miller. I'll take you to your class.", the friendly, tall blonde woman sais. I follow her and she stops at one of the classrooms and opens the door.
"Good morning class! Excuse me, Mrs Nelson, but I have a new student for you.", she sais pointing at me.
"Thank you, Mrs Miller. So, young lady. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?", Mrs Nelson asks and I take a deep breath.
"So, um- my name is Tobin Heath and I-" I say but a guy yells in between:
"Tobin? What is that for a shitty name! Isn't it a boys name? You're a dyke! Loser!"Everybody starts laughing.
"Shut up, Servando!", Mrs Nelson sais and he stops yelling.
What a great start at the new school..
My eyes fall on a girl sitting in the back of the class. She has long brown hair and blue eyes, deep like an ocean. She was the only one who didn't laugh.. Maybe that Servando guy is her boyfriend.. Who knows..
"And we moved here because my dad got a new job here.. I play soccer and that's basically it about me.", I mumble and look down.
"Thank you, Tobin. You can sit next to Alex if you want", Mrs Nelson points at the girl in the back of the class.Great.. I walk to my new place and sit down next to Alex. I don't look at her until she sais
"Hey Tobin. I like your name.", she sais and gives me a shy smile.
"T-thanks.. You're the first one to like it though..", I say and realize how stupid that sounded. I usually really like my name because it's kinda unique but also kinda cool."Don't listen to Serv, he's sometimes a bit harsh but he's really nice if you get to know him better.", she sais. "He's my boyfriend so I'll make sure he doesn't call you names anymore.", she smiles.
I knew it..
"Thank you.", I mumble.
Great. The only girl I like in this class is in a relationship with the biggest jerk on this planet. What a great start..
Time skip to lunch..
I never eat much at school so I just take out an apple and sit on the ground next to my locker and read a book. It's a good book, about a teenage girl who lost her mother and has trouble with school and stuff; just like me.
Suddenly, somebody throws my book away and I look up. It's that Servando guy with his friends.. Great! I get up and look at him.
"Don't you ever talk to my girlfriend again, you dyke!", he whispers and gives me a slap right across the face.
"What did I do to you", I ask, feeling a cut bleeding on my cheek.
"What you did? You looked at her the wrong way, Heath.", he spits me in the face and slaps me again.And again and again.
My face hurts, my lips are bleeding and my left eye is swollen. When he kicks me in my ribs, I start crying. I'm usually tough but this goes too far. I try to breathe but I don't get enough air. He gives me one last kick before he and his friend run away laughing. I can't control myself any longer and scream out of pain.. I lift my shirt up to see my ribs and almost forget how to breathe when I look at them. God damn they are-

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...