Chapter 18

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Ali leaves and I'm alone with Alex.
"Alex. What the fuck did you do today. First, you tell me that I can trust you, then you do nonsense on the pitch. And then, your boyfriend crashes me with his car, while you sit next to him. I really don't know what to think anymore! Alex you came to listen while I was talking to my mom. It was okay for me. You hurt me so many times in this week. But it was okay. Because it's you. But this needs to stop immediatly. I could have died today! I want an explanation for all this. And don't use Servando as excuse again. I'm tored of your bullshit, Alex.", I say and she starts crying. She always starts crying and I really don't know if it's real or not.
"You will hate me for this. But I need you to come with me tonight. I'll take you to my house and something will happen. I want you to be by my side.", she sais.
"This is your last chance, Alex. I don't know what you're up to, but this is your last chance. Ever. If you hurt me tonight, we're done.", I say and get up. My shoulder almost kills me but I need to come with Alex. She grabs my hand and we walk out of my room. I see a familiar face in front of me.
"Hello Tobin! How are you?", Alex mom sais.
"Hello Mrs Morgan. I'm better, thank you.", I reply.
"Mom she's having dinner with us tonight.", Alex sais.
"Okay sweetie. I'll take you two home.", she sais and we walk to her car. She helps me to get on the passenger's seat and closes my door. She's an amazing mom. Just like my mom.. I smile.
"May I ask why you're smiling, Tobin?", she asks when she gets on her seat.
"I-It's just that- you remind me of my mother..", I say and look down, feeling embarassed. She smiles back and starts the car.
The ride is very silent and I look out of the window. We arrive and get into the house. Her mom makes food and Alex and I are in her room. We don't talk ot look at each other, until the door bell rings.
"Tobin. I need you to stay in the kitchen with my mom. Whatever she does, you two need to stay in the kitchen, okay? I can't tell you why.", she sais and I nod.
"This is your last chance, Alex.", I say and get into the Kitchen.
"Hello Tobin. Where's Alex?", she asks.
"I don't know. She told me to stay ik the kitchen.", I say. She gives me a weird look. Then, we hear a voice. His voice! I can feel my blood boil, and Pam realises that.
"Shh Tobin. Calm down! She'll be okay! It's her boyfriend.", she sais.
"Her boyfriend? I don't think he acts like her boyfriend. He's abusive and he hurts her. He beats me up eversince I joined the school and the car that crashed me, was his car.", I say and point on my shoulder.
"Tobin you're overreacting! Calm down!", she sais and shakes her head.
"I'm not done yet, Mrs Morgan! His father. His god damn father killed my mother. He-",
"Tobin you need to stay realistic! Your mom died in a car accident!", she sais.
I laugh. "A car accident? I wish it was only a car accident! Mom and I were at a friends house until around 11pm. We walked home and needet to cross a small forest. I'm afraid of the dark, so I got scared when a man appeared behind us. I started running away, until I realised that mom wasn't following. I turned around and got back to get her. That's when I saw him, r-", I stop and cry. I take a deep breath. "I saw him raping her and stabbing her with a knife. I wanted to help her, but I couldn't. I was just standing there, frozen, unable to move. He killed her in front of my eyes.", I say and collapse into her arms.
"Tobin I am so sorry..", she whispers.
"Let's get to the door and listen to them talking. I need to know if he hurts my baby.", she goes on and we walk to the door and press our ears against it.
"Servando. I want to break up with you. Officially. And not like the fake breakup we did at school. I am done with you and I'm tired of getting hurt.", Alex sais.
"Say what? How could you! We're not breaking up.", he yells. I hear a slap and Alex groaning in pain.
"I-I am not done! Servando I never loved you. My mom forced me to be with a boy. I never wanted to be with you! I'm gay! And you cheated on me so many times! Just go get one of those girls! We are done!", she shouts. Suddently, I hear glass burst and We lost it. I throw the door open, kick Servando between his legs and run to Alex. Servando grabbed a bottle and let it burst on her shoulder. Blood runs down her light blue shirt and she cries.
"Mom I'm gay! Accept that! I don't want to be with a boy! I never wanted! I like girls. And rightnow, I like Tobin. Just accept that and get over it!", she yells at her mom, who also starts crying.
She grabs Servando and pushes him out of the house. Then, she returns and hugs Alex.
"I am so sorry, Alex. I should have believed you when you came out.. I am so sorry Alex! And I'm glad that you met Tobin.", she smiles at me. "She's the right one for you."
"T-thank you, mom.", Alex whispers trough the tears. I smile.
"Thank you, Alex. Thank your for being so strong.", I say and give her a big hug.
"I'm strong for you, Tobs", she whispers and pulls me closer.
"I hate to ruin the moment, girls. But I need to take care of Alex' shoulder, and, we need to get Tobin back into hospital.", Pam sais and we get up. —

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