Chapter 17

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"Bye mom.", I whisper and leave the hospital room my mom's in. I take a deep breath. She'll make it, I'm sure. We Kriegers don't give up that easily.
I walk down the hospital, when I see paramedics walking past me.
"Yes, Miss Heath just got out of surgery..", one of them sais.
I turn around.
"Miss Heath? Tobin Heath?", I ask worried.
"Sorry, we can't tell you that.", the other one sais.
"But she's my friend! I need to know if it's her or not!", I say and feel my blood boil.
"I'm sorry. It's her. Tobin Heath.", he sais.
"Oh my goodness! What happend? Where is she? How is she?", I say and start panicking.
"Please calm down, Miss Krieger. She had a car crash. She was on her bike when a car hit her from behind. She just got out of surgery and is waking up in room 214. You can visit her.", he sais and they leave. Room 214.. That's not far! I run as fast as I can and get to room 214. I slowly open the door and see Tobin laying in the hospital bed. I start crying.
"No Tobin, no.", I whisper. "I'm so sorry.." First my mom, now Tobin.. I hate hospitals. I hate going here, because mom is feeling worse every single day and I don't want Tobin to stay here too. I sit on her bed and she opens her eyes.
"A-Ali?", she asks.
"Yes, Tobin. It's me.", I whisper.
"W-what happend? Where am I?", she mumbles.
"You had a car crash, Toby. You're in hospital. I don't exactly know how it happend, but I heard paramedics talking about you when I walked past them and they told me.", I say.
"W-why were you here?", she asks. I look down. Nobody knows about mom's illness.
"W-well my mom is here and I wanted to tell her about the game.", I mumble.
"I'm sorry.", she sais and I smile at her.
"It's okay Toby. How do you feel? And what exactly happend?" I ask.
"I don't know. I just remeber that I was on my bike, going home, when it happend..", she replies and the doctor comes in.
"Tobin Heath?", he asks and Tobin nods.
"Hello Tobin. My name is Dr Shaw and I did your surgery. You had a car crash. The car hit you from behind and you broke two of your ribs, two other ribs were already broken and slowly getting back together again. That didn't happen in the crash. Maybe you can tell me how it happend?", he sais.
"I-I got beaten up at school.", Tobin mumbles and the doctor takes some notes.
"You also broke your shoulder. This is your major injury. You lost so much blood that we had to do surgery immediatly and fix it. You need to stay here for two days.", he goes on.
"Alex Morgan called us. Do you know her?", he asks. Tobin looks surprised and suddently starts crying.
"I-I remeber everything now..", she mumbles.
"S-servando was in the car.. I got thrown on the front window when he hit me.. I-I blacked out after that..", she mumbles.
"Alright, Tobin. I'm very sorry. We have to call the police tomorrow. Today, you calm down. Get some rest. We already called your brother, he'll be coming later with your sisters. Please make sure you don't have to stay alone over night.", he sais and gets out.
"A-Ali.. Can you call Alex?", Tobin asks.
"Of course.", I say and put my phone out. I dial her number.
"Hey Alex, it's Ali. I'm with Tobin and she asked me to call."
-"I-I'm coming. I just entered the hospital.", she sais.
"Alright. I'll tell Tobin. See ya.", I say and hang up.
"She's coming, Toby.", I say and she gives me a small smile.
"Thank you, Ali."
"You're welcome, Toby. Should I tell Kelley too?", I ask.
"Yes, please text her.", she replies.
I nod and text Kelley:

A: Hey Kels! Toby had a car crash. Come to room 214 in hospital if you wanna see her.
-K: Oh my gosh how is she? What happend? Is she awake? I'm on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: She's awake. I'll explain the rest when you're there! See ya!

"She's coming too, Toby.", I say and she gives me a tired smile. We talk a bit about the game, when Alex opens the door.—

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