My ribs are purple and bruised. I can't breathe. I need help but who's gonna see me here?
My view begins to fade when I see a girl standing at the end of the hallway.
"H-h-help.. I n-need h-help..", I whisper and reach my hand out. The girl walks towards me and as she comes closer, she starts running.
"TOBIN!" It's Alex. No not Alex, please no! I don't want her to see me like this! She arrives next to me and sits on the ground.
"Tobin, Tobin! Oh my gosh what happend?", she screams and tries to pick me up. As she wraps her arms around my waist a scream out.
"Tobin I'm so sorry oh my gosh!", she sais while pulls my shirt up.
"Oh my goodness Tobin. Who did this to you?", she whispers as she sees my ribs.
'T-thats not important.. Y-you need to g-go before h-he sees y-', my voice cracks and I close my eyes.Please let the pain go away just stop the pain please!
"Tobin you need to stay with me"!, she shouts and grabs my waist again.
But I'm too tired to scream.. I just want the pain to stop.. I black out..
As I wake up, I'm in a car.
"Where the hell am I?! Am I dead yet? Is that the car to heaven? Or hell?! Help where am I?!", I shout and look nervously around.
"Shh Tobin it's okay! You're in my car and I'm taking you to my house."It's Alex. If Servando finds out that Alex takes me to her place he will kill me!
"No Alex let me go! I can't go to your house!", I scream and try to open the door but I can lift my arm because of the pain.
"Tobin it's okay! We're already there just stay strong! Stay strong for me!", she sais and stops the car.She gets out and opens my door.
"Please Toby.", she smiles and takes my hand. Toby.. Only mommy called me Toby when I was little.. I can feel the tears filling my eyes and take deep breath. I miss her so much.. I try to get up but a sharp pain goes trough my ribs.
"Shit", I mumble and fall back into the seat.
"Give me a hug.", Alex sais.
"Why in the world would you want a hug now..?", I ask confused.But I give her a hug and as I hold onto her, she pulls me out of the car.
"See?", she smiles and I give her a tired smile back.
We walk into her house.
"Hello Alex, sweetie! Who brought you today?", a friendly women sais and walks up to us.
"This is Tobin Heath, mom. She's new at our school and well, you see that she needs help.", she sais and points at my face.
"Oh Tobin! What happend to you? Thias looks bad, young lady!", her mother sais a with a worried look.
"T-thats not the p-problem", I say and Alex pulls my shirt up.
"Alex take her to your room and clean her cuts. I'll take care of her ribs! There are bruises everywhere!", she sais shocked and runs away.She comes back and sais: "By the way, you can call me Pam.", and runs away again.
"Come on Tobs.", Alex sais and picks me up and carries me all the way to her room.
She opens the door and sits me on her bed. She goes into an other room and comes back with a first and aid kid and cleans my cuts. It hurts so much but I don't shed a single tear, I want to look strong for her. Her mom comes in with some medical stuff when my phone rings.
"T-thats my dad, I need to answer it.", I mumble and pick it up.
"Hello dad.", I say.
"Hello Tobin. How was school and where are you?", he asks.
"I'm at Alex' house right now, a girl from my new class and it wasn't that good..", I say and look at Alex and Pam.
They leave the room so that I can talk to my dad.
"Dad promise me you wont be mad but I got beaten up really bad today. I got cuts all over my face and my ribs are probably broken..", i explain.
"Are they okay? Can we trust them?", he asks concerned.
"Yes she and her mom are taking care of me..", I answer, wondering why he would want to know.
"Fine because I can't take care of you. I'm leaving for Peking in three hours, sorry. The boss wants it like that. Urgent job meeting or something like that, sorry.", he sais and I almost loose my mind.
"What? You can't just go on another trip?! Dad for how long?..", I asked pissed.
"A month. Sorry.", he sais without any emotion.
"A month?!?! A whole MONTH? What the hell? Mommy would've never left me alone for that long! ..", I yell.
"Toby I'm sorry!", he wants to explain himself but I don't want to listen.
"DON'T CALL ME TOBY! You know that only mom called me like that when she was still- a-alive.. I'm sorry dad. I'm really sorry I didn't meant to freak out. But I'm scared daddy. It was Alex' boyfriend and I'm at her house right now...
What if he finds out? He'll beat me up again! I'm scared.", I mumble."Sorry but I have to go now. See you in a month.", he sais harshly.
"Yeah I know you gotta go. I'll call Jeremy later, Katie and Perry are with him today too.. Bye see ya!' I hang up.
I take a deep breath and see Alex and Pam right in front of me, staring at me.
"I-I'm really sorry for your loss, Tobin.", her mom finally breaks the silence.
"Thank you. She died in a car crash a few months ago. That why dad wanted to move here. He wants to get over her.. But I can't get over it..", I mumble and tears run down my face.
"Sorry I didn't meant to talk that much about her.", I add and Alex walks towards me.She sits down next to me.
"I'm so sorry, Tobin. For everything. And mostly because I'm dating a jerk, fuckboy and an homophobic asshole. I'm sorry.", she sais.
"No you don't have to be sorry, Alex. As long as you're happy with him and as long he doesn't touch you it's okay. I want you to be happy and I don't want you to care about me.'", I say and take a deep breath.
"Aahrgg", I scream out. That hurt! Fuck those stupid ribs!
"No Tobin. It's not okay. He did a lot of unacceptable things lately.", she starts and Pam also sits down next to us."He-

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...