Dang it. It's my birthday today. The first thing I can think of as I wake up is mom.. I slowly open my eyes and look around. Where is Alex? I check the time and it's 8 o'clock. I groan and get up. I walk up to my wardrobe and grab my underwear, a pair of soccershorts and the light-blue tank top mom gave me last year. I quickly change and go into the living room. I see Alex, Kels, Hope, Jules, Chris, and Arod sitting around the table.
"AROD!", I burst out and run to her, pulling her into a big hug.
"I haven't seen you for AGES!",, I smile and she smiles back.
"Ayeee Tobito I'm so happy to see you again!", she sais and pulls me into a even bigger hug.
"I missed you so much! Happy Birthday loser!", she sais and laughs.
A tall girl steps up behing her. No way! This can't be!
"Cheney?", I ask.
"Yeah it's me Tobito! You don't even recognize me anymore, don't ya?", she laughs and steps up to me.
"CHENEY OH MY GOD!", I yell and jump into her arms.
"I missed you guys so freaking much! How did you find out where I live? How did you get here?", I ask.
"Well your dear friend Alex over here contacted us and so we thought it would be nice to come over!", Arod smiles.
"Thank you so much Lex!", I say and give her a big hug.
"Sooo how about we sit down and give Tobin her presents?", Kels asks and we all sit down.
"You guys got me presents?", I ask surprised.
"Of course we did!", Arod sais and I smile.I love them so much!
"Sooo Hope should start!", Kels sais smiling at her and she gives me her present.
I unwrap it and see that it's the new NikePro sportswear kit! Wow!
"Oh my goodness Hope! That shouldn't have got me that! Thank you so so much!", I smile and give her a hug across the table.
"She also made you a cake though!", Kels sais laughing and Hope turns red.
"Hope baked Tobin a cake? The big bad goalie actually baked a cake for Tobin?", Chris burtst out and we all start laughing.Hope puts the most perfect cake on the table. It's a chocolate-strawberry cake with Happy Birthday Toby written on it with white chocolate.
"Thank you so much Hope!", I almost start crying. What did I do to deserve such wondefful friends?
"I'm next!", Kels sais smirking and gives me two presents.
I open the first one and
stop breathing. She's not for real! She got me a USWNT sweater!
"Oh my gosh! I love that! Oh my gosh Kels! Thank you so freaking much!", I almost start crying.
I open the next one. It's a Portland Thorns jersey with Heath 17 on it!
"Kelley freaking O'Hara what did I do to deserve you? Thank you so much! I love you oh my gosh!", I say and start crying.
"Awh Toby don't cry!", she laughs and pulls me into a hug.
"Ayee next up are Chris and JJ!", Kelley sais and they both smile. Christen gives me a small package and Jules a HUGE one.
I first open Chris' and need to smile real big. She got me a PSG jersey with Heath 27 on it.
"That's so cool! Oh my gosh that's amazing thank you so much Chris!", I say and give her a big hug.
I open Jules' present and stare at her.
"You- you bought me a new longboard? You're kidding me right? You actually got me a new longboard?! You're insane!", I say and jump into her arms.
"Thank you so much!", I say and get scared the crap out of me as Cheney throws her present at me.
"What the hell?", I yell and she laughs.
"It's from Arod and me.", she smiles.
I open the package and see a nike box in it. I open it and completely loose my mind. They got me new cleats? They got me the newest Hypervenoms?
"HOLY FUCK YOU'RE NOT FOR REAL!", I burts out and start crying.
"I wanted them since they came out! Thank you so much!", I say and give them two incredily big hugs.
"Aye Lex is left!", Kelley smirks and I blush. I wonder what she got me.."So I'll give you a part of the present now and the other part later this afternoon.", she smirks and takes out three packages.
I open the first one. It's a drawing! A drawing of Alex, Kelley and me!
"WOW! Did you do that? It's amazing! Thank you so much!", I say stunned. She smiles and I open the next one. It's a very tiny one.
It's a pair of earrings! They're so pretty!
"Alex! They're so pretty! And-", I turn them around and look at their back. There is a tiny T&A written on it. How cute!
"This is so cute!", I whisper and put them on.
"You look amazing with them!", Jules sais and I smile.
I open the last one and see that it's a jersey. A USWNT jersey! There is printed Talex on the front! That's so cool! I turn it around and there's a Tobs 17 on the back.
"I got the same one with Lex 13 on it.", Alex smiles and I give her a HUGE hug.
"Thank you so much baby.", I say.
Wait what? I turn red. Did I just call her baby? In front of everyone? How embarassing!
"I- I didn't meant to call ya b-baby I-I'm sorry I-", I mumble but she puts her finger on my lips.
"Tobyyy everyone in here knows how hard you're crushing on her! It's not a secret!", Kelley sais and the others nod smirking. I turn even more red.
She pulls a kiss on my lips and the others start clapping.I could explode of joy.
What did I do to deserve such wonderful friends and such a wonderful girlfriend- wait.
She isn't my girlfriend..
No yet at leatst!

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...