Chapter 30

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Dang it. It's my birthday today. The first thing I can think of as I wake up is mom.. I slowly open my eyes and look around. Where is Alex? I check the time and it's 8 o'clock. I groan and get up. I walk up to my wardrobe and grab my underwear, a pair of soccershorts and the light-blue tank top mom gave me last year. I quickly change and go into the living room. I see Alex, Kels, Hope, Jules, Chris, and Arod sitting around the table.

"AROD!", I burst out and run to her, pulling her into a big hug.
"I haven't seen you for AGES!",, I smile and she smiles back.
"Ayeee Tobito I'm so happy to see you again!", she sais and pulls me into a even bigger hug.
"I missed you so much! Happy Birthday loser!", she sais and laughs.
A tall girl steps up behing her. No way! This can't be!
"Cheney?", I ask.
"Yeah it's me Tobito! You don't even recognize me anymore, don't ya?", she laughs and steps up to me.
"CHENEY OH MY GOD!", I yell and jump into her arms.
"I missed you guys so freaking much! How did you find out where I live? How did you get here?", I ask.
"Well your dear friend Alex over here contacted us and so we thought it would be nice to come over!", Arod smiles.
"Thank you so much Lex!", I say and give her a big hug.
"Sooo how about we sit down and give Tobin her presents?", Kels asks and we all sit down.
"You guys got me presents?", I ask surprised.
"Of course we did!", Arod sais and I smile.

I love them so much!

"Sooo Hope should start!", Kels sais smiling at her and she gives me her present.
I unwrap it and see that it's the new NikePro sportswear kit! Wow!
"Oh my goodness Hope! That shouldn't have got me that! Thank you so so much!", I smile and give her a hug across the table.
"She also made you a cake though!", Kels sais laughing and Hope turns red.
"Hope baked Tobin a cake? The big bad goalie actually baked a cake for Tobin?", Chris burtst out and we all start laughing.

Hope puts the most perfect cake on the table. It's a chocolate-strawberry cake with Happy Birthday Toby written on it with white chocolate.

"Thank you so much Hope!", I almost start crying. What did I do to deserve such wondefful friends?
"I'm next!", Kels sais smirking and gives me two presents.
I open the first one and
stop breathing. She's not for real! She got me a USWNT sweater!
"Oh my gosh! I love that! Oh my gosh Kels! Thank you so freaking much!", I almost start crying.
I open the next one. It's a Portland Thorns jersey with Heath 17 on it!
"Kelley freaking O'Hara what did I do to deserve you? Thank you so much! I love you oh my gosh!", I say and start crying.
"Awh Toby don't cry!", she laughs and pulls me into a hug.
"Ayee next up are Chris and JJ!", Kelley sais and they both smile. Christen gives me a small package and Jules a HUGE one.
I first open Chris' and need to smile real big. She got me a PSG jersey with Heath 27 on it.
"That's so cool! Oh my gosh that's amazing thank you so much Chris!", I say and give her a big hug.
I open Jules' present and stare at her.
"You- you bought me a new longboard? You're kidding me right? You actually got me a new longboard?! You're insane!", I say and jump into her arms.
"Thank you so much!", I say and get scared the crap out of me as Cheney throws her present at me.
"What the hell?", I yell and she laughs.
"It's from Arod and me.", she smiles.
I open the package and see a nike box in it. I open it and completely loose my mind. They got me new cleats? They got me the newest Hypervenoms?
"HOLY FUCK YOU'RE NOT FOR REAL!", I burts out and start crying.
"I wanted them since they came out! Thank you so much!", I say and give them two incredily big hugs.
"Aye Lex is left!", Kelley smirks and I blush. I wonder what she got me..

"So I'll give you a part of the present now and the other part later this afternoon.", she smirks and takes out three packages.
I open the first one. It's a drawing! A drawing of Alex, Kelley and me!
"WOW! Did you do that? It's amazing! Thank you so much!", I say stunned. She smiles and I open the next one. It's a very tiny one.
It's a pair of earrings! They're so pretty!
"Alex! They're so pretty! And-", I turn them around and look at their back. There is a tiny T&A written on it. How cute!
"This is so cute!", I whisper and put them on.
"You look amazing with them!", Jules sais and I smile.
I open the last one and see that it's a jersey. A USWNT jersey! There is printed Talex on the front! That's so cool! I turn it around and there's a Tobs 17 on the back.
"I got the same one with Lex 13 on it.", Alex smiles and I give her a HUGE hug.
"Thank you so much baby.", I say.
Wait what? I turn red. Did I just call her baby? In front of everyone? How embarassing!
"I- I didn't meant to call ya b-baby I-I'm sorry I-", I mumble but she puts her finger on my lips.
"Tobyyy everyone in here knows how hard you're crushing on her! It's not a secret!", Kelley sais and the others nod smirking. I turn even more red.
She pulls a kiss on my lips and the others start clapping.

I could explode of joy.

What did I do to deserve such wonderful friends and such a wonderful girlfriend- wait.
She isn't my girlfriend..
No yet at leatst!

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