Timeskip to 4 weeks later....
Oh man, a lot happend the last few weeks after the fight.. Uncle B died, Pam is in jail and Alex still doesn't talk to me.. This girl is making me sick! I save her mother's life and she doesn't give a damn about me..
I also moved into a new appartment with Kelley and Julie. We get along pretty good and they help me to get over my past. My siblings are doing great and the only thing that's bothering me is Alex. I really don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should try to call her, one last time. She was so shocked after she found out what her mom and we did..
I search trough my contacts, find her number and dial it.
She picks up."Alex Morgan, hello?"
"Hey, Alex. It's me Tobin."
"Tobin I can't I-"
"Alex listen. We need to talk immediatly. Let's meet in 10 at KFC."
"O-okay.."I put my phone away. Is that really what I want? I quickly change into a lightblue croptop and a pair of black highwaisted shorts. I now how much Alex used to like my abs so I bet she won't mind seeing them again. I smirk and put my hair up in a bun. Damn this will be hard. I grab my longboard and head down the street to KFC. I see Alex' car on the parking and take a deep breath before walking in. I look around and see a very slim girl sitting on a table and turning her back to me. She has oily hair und looks incredibly stressed out. Weird. Then I see that she's wearing a pink pre-wrap. My heart stops for a second before it goes on beating. Can this be? Is this Alex? No Alex would never look like this. She's slim but not THAT slim.. And she would never leave the house looking like this.. I'm still wondering what the girl's face might look like to I decide to sit on her table till Alex shows up. I walk up to her.
"Is that place still free?", I ask and point at a chair.
She nods without looking up. I sit down and look at her. No way! It's Alex? How can she look like this? How can she change so much in one month?
"A-Alex?", I ask and she looks up. Her ocean blue eyes don't shine like they used to and she basically looks like a completly different person.
"Hey Tobin..", she mumbles.
"This is porbably not the right place to talk."
I nod and she gets up. I follow her to her car without saying a word. Her legs are so incerdibly small that looking at them makes me wanna throw up.. She grabs my longboard and puts it in the back of her car. I sit down on the passengers seat and she starts the car. I don't ask where we're going and after a few minutes, we arrive at a forest. She stops and gets out. I follow her again and she locks the car. We walk into the forest for another few minutes, when we arrive at a little lake. She chooses a place with a fallen tree laying on the ground. We sit down."Tobin, we- I- I'm sorry. For—"

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...