Chapter 45: End up together

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While Tobin and Alex have been goin in different directions, Ali and Ash never been closer..

Ali's POV

I'm sitting at Ash's, waiting for her to get dressed. Today is a big day for her. She's going to tryout for her college soccer team.. I hope that she'll make it! I'm so sad that we didn't get into the same college, but I hope that we will still see each other a lot, maybe during soccer games; I already made it into my college's team. I don't know who I'll-

The bathroom door swings open and Ash jumps out.

"How do I look? Do I look like a pro keeper?", she says with a huge smile on her face.

She's wearing black sweatpants and a dark blue muscle-tee. She looks so good, except that her gloves are almost falling off because she played with them so many games..

"You look amazing honey. But- I got a little surprise for you that will make you look even better!", I say and give her a small box, wrapped into green paper with little soccerballs on it.

"Is that for me? Oh you shouldn't have-", she says while opening and stops as she sees whats in it.

She stares at a pair of gloves, purple and light green nike gloves.

"I freaking love you Ali Krieger. Thank you so so much! Now I'm sure I'll make the team with those gloves!", she says, almost crying.

She pulls me into a hug and carries me into the citchen where she sits me on the counter.

"I gotcha something too..", she mumbles while searching through the fridge. "For your first practise with your new team.. Ah! Here they are!"

She takes out two bottles of shake and gives me one of them.

"That's my lucky-game-day-shake.", she explains.

I open it and take a zip. This tastes hella good!

"It's so good! You need to tell me what you put in there-", I say but she puts her finger on my mouth.

"Shhhh- that's a secret babygirl.", she whispers and we start laughing.

I put my hands on her shoulder.

"I miss you already.. I don't even know how I'll survive the next three years so far away from you..", I mumble.

"I don't know either.. but if we try hard enough, we'll probably meet again in the nationals team.", she smirks while putting her hands on my waist.

Nationals team.. what a dream come true that would be!

I give her a huge smile and she leans in and gives me kiss.

I never loved somebody so much and I don't even know why but I have that feeling that Ash and I will always end up togther..

"Ash! You're late!", I shout out as I take a look on the clock.

"Ahhhh I gotta go! See ya!", she yells as she grabs her stuff and sprints out the door.

Silly girl.. didn't even take her keys with her!
Oh well.. I should go to practise too. I love soccer-saturdays! And I could take Ash out for dinner when we're both home again.. yeah. That's a good idea! I also should call my friends, they all went to tryouts this week..

I grab my phone and make a few calls.

I'm so happy; Julie made it, Hope made it, Christen and Kelley made it into the same team, Tobin made it, Becky made it and Alex made it too!
Now there's only Ash left and I hope that she'll make it too- no. I KNOW that she'll make it!

It's sad to think that we all will most likely never play together again but we spend an amazing time together.. I just hope that Ash and I will never go into different directions..

Timeskip to after Ash's tryouts& Ali's practise..
At Ash's..

I just got home from practise and it was amazing! The team is very nice and the coaches seem to like me.. I'm just wondering how Ash did! Can't wait for her to get home!

I change into a decent black dress and higheels and think of a place to take Ash when the doorbell rings.
She's home!

I open the door.

"Ah I can't believe I forgot my keys!", she mumbles and gets in.

"How was it? Did you have fun?", I softly ask her.

"What? The tryouts?", she asks confused.

"Yes of course the tryouts, silly!", I say and give her a smile.

"Oh yeah sorry. Yes I made it but I can tell you- the traffic over there is like hell! It took me three hours to get back home! I'm totally exhausted and freaking pissed because an old grandpa hit into my car and-", she mumbles but I interrupt her.

"Ash do you know what just happend? You made it into the team! We will play against each other and see each other! Aren't you happy about that? You made it!", I say. I can't believe it! She made it!

"I- I made it.. You're right! I made it!! I got so distracted by that stupid grandpa that I didn't even realise what that means! I made it.. I made it!", she says, gives me a huuuuge smile and kisses me.

"And I didn't even notice the beautiful dress you're wearing.. You look gorgeous!", she says, smiling even bigger.

"Thank you honey. I thought we could go somewhere to eat?", I say and take her soccerbag.

"Sounds good! Let me just shower real quick..", she says and sprints to the bathroom.

"Sure!", I say while taking care of her soccer stuff.

I'm so happy for her! We're on the doorstep to the soccer world.. I wonder if we ever end up at the top, next to Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain.. That would be a dream come true- THE dream come true.

About half an hour later, Ash and I leave the house.

She's looking as good as ever, wearing her blue blazer and her long blonde hair down onto her shoulders.

That's my girl.

And even if this might be our last dinner together here in town, I have a feeling that we will be together again in the end. Wherever that might be.. as long as we're together I'll be happy.

AN: Hey guys! Since I'm finishing this book at 50 chapters, I also have to finish the other small stories that I started in thos book (Krashlyn, O'Solo, Preath, Presston..) so that I can start my new book!
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or comment!
Do you guys look forward to my new book where Tobin get's called up into the WNT a few years later? Should she meet Alex again? Comment down below!

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