I walk into school, looking for Hope. After a few minutes, I finally see the tall girl standing at her locker and talking to Christen and Julie. Her back is turned to me so I quietly walk up to her and scare her by jumping on her back.
"Holy shit Kelley! What the hell?", she screams and I start laughing.
"You little monster! You scared the hell out of me!", she goes on and wraps her arms around me. I look her deep into the eyes and she gives me a kiss on my forehead.
"I missed you..", I whisper and she pulls me into a hug.
"I've missed you too.", she whispers back and we walk to class.Time literally flies and it's finally soccer practise. Finally! Finally a practise with Tobin again. I really missed my best friend on the field and I'm glad that she's able to play again.
Hope and I head into the lockersroom and quickly change, we're very late and everybody is already outside on the field."TOBYYYYYYYYYY!", I yell and run up to my best friend as we walk out.
"I missed practise with you so freaking much!", I say and we all laugh.
I love this team.
I love this sport.
And I love these crazy freaks.
And I love Hope.It hit me like a truck. I love Hope. I am in love with Hope Solo. We didn't talk for a whole month and she still made me fall in love with her over and over again. I need to tell her. I need to finally tell her those three words..
Timeskip to after practise at Tobin's..
It's Tobin's birthday in two days.. I wonder if she's throwing a party or something..
"Tobyyyyy? What are you doing for you birthday?", I ask her and wrap my arms around her waist.
"Nahh I won't do anything..", she mumbles and puts my arms away.
"Why? You're turning 17 and you won't do anything?", I ask wondering.
"No. I hate birthdays. My last birthday was perfect. Mom made the perfect birthday. And I'll have to think about her on all the next birthdays..
None of the following birthdays will be as perfect as the last one. Thats all.", she mumbles, gets up and leaves the living room.I can't just do nothing on her birthday. I love her. Wait what? I love her? I don't love her, right? I just have a crush on her, right? No. I guess I love her. My feelings are so strong for her..
And I need to do something for her on her birthday! Let's see.. I could take her to the beach.. Or to a restaurant.. Duh. I need to call Kelley. I'm sure she'll help me! And I need a good present!Timeskip to the next afternoon..
Tomorrow is Tobin's birthday! Kelley gave me some advice for her present and what I can do for her and I'm at the mall right now. Since I know that Toby doesn't wear necklaces that often, I'm looking for earrings. I also want to buy her a new jersey..
After around one hour I finally got all my presents:
A pair of earings with a little T&A written on the back.And matching USWNT jerseys because we both want to play for the national's team one day.
I already have the perfect plan for tomorrow.. I smile while leaving the mall. I told Kelley to go out to eat with Tobin so that I have some time to prepare everything. I also finish the drawing I started of Tobin, Kelley and I.
I'm finally done with preparing everything, when Tobin and Kelley come home again. Kelley goes to bed and so do Tobin and I.
We crawl into our bed and I try to wrap my arms around her. But she just turns away and we fall asleep....

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...