Tobin's POV
This story ends the same way it started. With me, Tobin Heath moving into a new town, into a new life. What a crazy journey this was. I met the love of my life. I met my best friends. I lost my love and friends. I was happy, sad, angry, jealous, .. I felt every emotion on this journey.
I wonder what mom would think of me..
I wonder if she can see me now.
If she would be proud of me.
After all, I did everything she wanted me to.
I remember the night she died as it was last night.
She told me to go and live my life.
To love without any regrets.
To just do my thing and to me happy.
To love whoever I want to.
To just be happy.And that's what I did.
I lived my life to the fullest, with all it's up and downs.
I loved without any regrets. I don't even regret meeting Alex.
I didn't care that I'm attracted to girlsy
And dude was I happy. Sad. Thankful.
I felt every emotion.But it's time to move on now.
I have to leave all this behind.
This city, where I experienced so much happiness, pain, love, loss and sorrow.
But Diamond Bar will always be a specialy place to me.
I should probably go on with packing my stuff, I say out loud and end my thoughts.
I already packed up my clothes and soccer gear, but the most painful part is jet to come.
I grab a nike shoebox and start taking off all the picture from my wall. Countless pictures with Alex, Kelley, Christen and the other girls.
The drawing that Alex gave me for my birthday, the cards she sent me when she was in an other city.
I put everything that reminds me of this town and the people here in this box.
Alex' love letters. The necklace she gave me. The earrings. And finally also the necklace with my engagement ring.
I want to move on so bad.
Christen's paintings.
Her cute little messages on post-its that she always left in my flat everywhere.
I kept them all.
Her little armband she forgot here a few weeks ago and didn't want it back.
Everything that reminds me of her.
Or of anybody else.The box is full and my room empty.
I put a lot of tape around the box and put it in my bag.
I'm ready.
Ready for college.
Ready for my new team.
Ready for my new experiences.
Ready for my new life.
And this box will stay closed and taped until we meet again.
If we meet again.
Wherever this may be.
I will always keep this box.
Because it's a part of my story.
Of my past.
Of me.And so does Tobin Heath leave her old life behind, starting a new adventure.
Where will the young girl go?
Who will she meet?
How far will she make it?
Will she ever be able to love again?
To trust again?To find out, join her on her journey
in 'We Believe', a sequel to this book
by USWNTworld !

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...