Chapter 5

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I open them and look around. It was only just andream, it was only just a dream. I'm safe here.
'Toby you had a nightmare.', Alex whispers. Hearing her voice makes me feel safe. 'And you screamed in your sleep; what the heck did you dream about?!'
'Um- it's not important.. More important is that we're here and we're safe..', I mumble.
'But Toby..?', she goes on.
'Lex I don't want to talk about it..', I whisper.
'Sorry Tobs.', she whispers back.
'A-alex can you h-hold me?', I whisper and feel my cheeks turning red.
'Of course babygirl.', she whispers and wraps her arms around me. Gosh that girl makes me feel like I've never felt before. I rest my head on her chest and can hear her breathing, which makes me feel so safe. But my nightmare was so scary. There was Servando who found out the real way my mom died and he picked on me. I freaked out and we had a fight and he almost killed me. But the most horrific part was when Servando killed Alex right in front of me. I get scared again and open my eyes, looking directly into Alex' eyes. She stared tge whole time at me? Oh my gosh. I smile at her and close my eyes again. I fall asleep again..

Time skip to after breakfast....

So Alex let me borrow some clothes and we had breakfast with her mom. We're in the bus for school now and I'm so scared of seeing Servando today.. I sit mext to Alex as my phone rings.
'Tobin here..', I mumble.
-Hey Toby!
'Jeremy!! How are you?', I smile. Its my big brother.
-I'm good. Dad called yesterday and told us what happend. Do you want us to stay with you over the weekend?
'Yes! That would be GREAT! You can come on friday after work and I'll make some pizza!', I say excited. I LOVE it when my siblings come to visit..
-Yes, we'll be there. And please stay safe till friday, okay? It's only four days left. And make sure you're never alone anywhere because of that crazy guy who did this to you. But I need to leave for work now, bye Tobyyyyy!
'By Jer and I can't wait to see you', I say excited and hang up.
'Was that your brother?', Alex smiles.
'Yes, Jeremy. He comes on friday with my sisters Perry and Katie for the weekend!', I say happily.
'Can I meet them?', she asks.
'Yeah of course! You'll LOVE them! They're like the most perfect siblings EVER.', I smile. 'How bout you come to my house on saturday?'
'Yeah that'll be great!', she smiles back.

Time skip to first class....

So our first class is math and it starts in 15 minutes. Servando comes to the lockers walks up to me. Where is Alex? Gosh where is she?
'Hey Dyke. I heard YOU spent the night with MY girlfriend. You know what that means, Heath. I warned ya.', he sais and comes closer. Alex, where is Alex?! He raises his fist up and in that moment, Alex walks behind him and catches it.
'Babe what the hell?', he sais and turns around.
'Stop it.', she sais.
'Why? I'm just giving her what she deserves. She spent the night at your house!! That's not okay and I'm just making sure she never does that again!', he sais.
'Servando, she spent the night because I aksed her too. She wasn't able to go home alone because YOU beat her up so much. And that's too much. We're done, Servando. We're officially done! You cheated on me so many times and I never said anything. And now you're beating up my friend and I am so freaking DONE with you!', she sais and slaps him right across the face.
'B-but Alex, Babe!', he sais.
'No, Servando. Never call me babe again. I'm Alexandra for you now.', she sais and walks up to me.
'You're okay, Tobs?', she smiles.
'Y-yeah..', I mumble, still impressed by her little speech she helt for Servando.
She give me a hug and a small kiss on my cheek.
'ALEX! Y-you left me for- HER?! For that DYKE?!?!', he screams. Now he can't control hisself any longer and-

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