Her phone rings. Great! I wonder what she wanted to tell me.. She picks her phone up and leaves the room, but I still can hear her talking.
"Hey babe.. Yes I'm at Tobin's.. Yes I think she likes me..", she laughs.
"Of course I don't like her Serv.. Yes I think she trusts me.. Yeah tomorrow would be great.. Yes of course I'm excited for our night tomorrow babe.. Yes I love you too.. Let's destroy her next week.." That was too much. I grab Alex' stuff and run out of my room. I see her standing in the guests room and I head up to her. I give her her bag and yell:
"Get the fuck out of my house, Alexandra. And don't you ever dare to come back!" I feel tears running down my face as I push her out of the door.
"Tobin I-", she sais. But I'm tired of her lies.
"I don't care, Alexandra. Get out! Gp to Servando! Go to that asshole!", I scream and close the door but she steps her foot in it.
"Tobin you don't understand! His father, Mr Carassco is-"
"Carassco?! He's his SON?!", I scream and almost black out. Carassco.. The man that took my mother's life.. I feel my blood boil and step outside. I take my phone out and dial Kelley's number. She picks up.
"Kelley I need help immediatly!", I say and start running away from Alex, after locking the door. I run down the street and ask Kelley where Servando lives.
"Meet me at his house in ten!", I scream and run to his house, which is around 10 minutes away. I'm so full of anger! This man took my mothers life! And his son is with my crush! His father never got arrested but I have a plan now. I take my phone out again and start a new recording. I'm almost at his house when Kelley runs up to me.
"T-tobin! What the fuck is wrong?!", she asks, gasping for air.
"I can't explain that to you now. You'll see when we get there!", I say and we finally are infront of the house. I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell.
Servando opens the door.
"What the fuck do you want, Heath?", he yells.
"Heath?", a man sais and walks behind him.. It's him! I suddently feel scared but then my mithers face appears before my eyes.
"This is for you, mom..", I mumble and step in.
"T-tobin? What do you want? The case is closed!", he sais.
"Which case, dad?", Servando asks.
"Into your room, Servando!", he sais and Servando goes. But I see him standing in the next room and listening.
"You know exactly what I want. I want revenge for what you did to our family! We moved here to forget what happend! And all that happens is your asshole of a son that beats me up! We moved here to get away from your family! Little did we know that you lived here all along! That was a dirty trick of yours!", I say.
"Do you want money? I can give you a lot!", he sais.
"I don't want no money.", I spit.
"I want you going to jail for killing my mother. I hate you. I hate you and your stupid family! You destroyed my life once and your son destroyed it twice. You destroyed all the other lives of those who you raped and tortured. And killed. You're a murderer, Carcassco. And you need to go to jail!", I go on.
"T-tobin that's over now! I didn't meant to kill her! She wanted it!", he sais nervously.
"You killed my mother. And I'll never forgive you. And it'll NEVER be over until you go to jail!", I scream.
"Don't you dare call my dad a murderer!", Servando walks in and slaps me.
"S-she's right.. I should've gone to jail..", he sais and tears fall down his face.
"What the fuck dad? What HAPPEND?", Servando shouts.
"I FREAKING KILLED HER MOTHER!", he screams out. I smile; my plan has worked. I turn around to see Kelley, but I see a part that was not on my plan. Alex stepped in. Kelley called the police and I can hear them coming. Alex just stands there, pale and cries silent..
"Babe!", Servando yells and runs up to her. She turns away and I say;
"A-alex.. You weren't supposed to find out about this and I'm sorry you had to find out this way.. I overreacted when you said the name.. But he never got arrested for what he did! I wanted to forget that this man killed my mother right infront of my eyes. All I got was that his son beat me up! I'm done with this family and I'm done with all of you. I'll be moving back..", I say, but the police walks in.
"Tobin Heath?", a man asks.
"Thats me..", I say and give the man my phone with the recording on it.
"I recordet everything. It's the Heath-Carassco case..", I say.
An other police man steps up. I know him!
"Mr Miller! You were the one who came when mom got killed..", I mumble.
"Yes, Tobin. I remeber it like it was yesterday. The most tragic case I've ever had.", he sais.
"Mr Carassco. You're arrested for killing Mrs Heath.", he sais and grabs him. The rest passes trough my eyes like a movie.. I waited for this moment for so long.. Finally, after all these month, he's going to jail. But then, the pictures of the night mom died come in my head again.. My view starts to fade and I feel a sharp pain in my back.. Everything turns black..I wake up in a bed.. Where am I? I open my eyes and look around. Kelley is sitting on my bed and a doctor comes in..
"Hello Tobin. You're finally awake I see. You had a concussion last night and you hit your back. That's nothing serious but you blacked out because you expirienced too much stress. I know about what happend last night and five month ago and you should pursue soccer and your art more. Relieve your stress and talk a lot to people you trust about what happend. You can leave now, Ms Heath", he sais and I sign some papers.
Kelley helps me to get up and we walk outside, without saying a single word. She walks me home.
"C-can you stay the night, Kelley? I-I'm scared..", I mumble.

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...