I couldn't believe my eyes. This can't be. The woman is standing in the door, her gun still raised at my uncle and she has a giant smile on her face. No it isn't her. This can't be her! I look into familiar blue eyes and almost start crying.
"Pam? Why the fuck- how- WHAT?!", I burt out. Why the fuck is she here? What the hell?
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. You told me too much about your past. I put one and one together and called Mister X. Sad he died though..", she smiles. Suddently, she gets tackled from behind and her gun falls down. Uncle B hurries and gets the gun and I see Alexia grabbing Mrs Morgan. Uncle B gives me the gun.
"Kill her. You end it.", he sais.
I take the gun and point at her. I can't kill her. She's Alex mother. My world broke into thousand little pieces, when mom got killed. I don't want Alex to be broke. She doesn't know her father and her mom in the last one she got. I can't kill her. All the pain I felt when my mom died.. I can't do this to Alex.
"Tobin what the fuck are you waiting for? Do you know this woman?", Uncle B yells and grabs his gun.
"Stop. Put your gun down.", I say and call.
"Wherever you are right now, don't kill the woman. I will kill whoever kills her. We'll just take her to the police. Don't kill her!", I yell and Uncle B points his gun at me.
"The fuck, Tobin? Whats wrong with you?", he yells.
"It's her mom. It's the mom of my crush. I can't kill her. I can't send Alex trough all the pain I felt, when mom got killed. Plus, she's the only one left for Alex. I can't kill her. And nobody will al long as I'm here, as long as I am a Heath.", I say and Uncle B suddently shoots. My view gets dizzy and I feel myself falling to the ground. Everything turns black. Where am I?
"Hello?", I yell. "Is anyone there?"
Then, everything turns white. Just white and nothing else. I see a woman walking up to me. Mom? This can't be!
"M-mom? Where am I?", I say and cry.
"Hey Toby. I can't tell you where we are. All you need to know is that your job down there isn't done. You made the right choice. Thank your for not killing her.", she sais and I cry even more.
"I missed you so much, mom.. It's so weird without you.. Dad got very strange and everything turned into a mess, since you di- since you left us.", I say and reach out to hug her. But I don't feel her against me. I look down at me and see that my body starts to fade away.. Everything turns black again and it feels like I'm falling down somewhere.
"Mom!", I yell into the dark, but she doesn't reply.I hear a stetic beep beep beep and and slowly open my eyes. I try to remeber what happend, but I can't. I try to say something, but the words won't come out. I try to recognize the people standing around me, but I don't know them anymore. I try to understand what they're yelling at me, but I can't. I try to feel anything, but I can't. The only feeling that I have is numbness.
I close my eyes again and try to take a breath; it works! I slowly let the air out again and open my eyes. Now I see clearly, now I recognize my people, now I hear what they say. My siblings, Clarke and Kelley are there.
"Toby..", Kelley whispers and walks up to me. She grabs my hand and I look up to her. Her sparly eyes are full of emotions.. Stress, fear, happiness.. Her eyes start to water and I wipe away her tears.
"It's okay, Kels. Just- what happend?", I say.
"Do you remeber the basement?", Jer asks. I suddently remeber everything; Mister X, Alex' mom.. I nod and start paniking.
"Where's Pam? Where is she? Is she okay? Did she got shot?", I mumble quickly.
"Shhh Tobito, calm down. It's okay.", Jeremy goes on. "You told us not to kill her and that's when Uncle B shot you. I'm sorry, Tobin. And I'm glad that you don't remeber that. He pointed at Pam and Alexia, but she let her go and shot Uncle B. We escaped with her and brought her to the police. Kelley got you up and carried you all the way out into the car and we got you into hospital. The bullet hit your organs, but the doctors were able to fix it and you're okay now. You were just away for so l-", his voice cracks and I'm confused.
"How long was it?", I ask.
"Almost a week, Tobin.", Clarke sais.
So long? It felt like a second.. Weird. Why was mom there? And why was everything so weird? I shake my head and Katie sits on my bed.
"Toby..", she mumbles and takes my hand.
"Kat, I met mom.. It was so weird but after everything turned black, it turned white again and mom was there.. We talked for a few minutes and I wanted to hug her, but I started fading away. I saw my own body shattering into tiny little pieces. I was so scared and and I-", my voice cracks and Katie pulls me into a big hug.
"I miss her too, Toby.. I miss her so much. And I'm so proud of you. We're all proud of you. She's proud of you. You made the right decision. Killing somebody doesn't prove your strength. To NOT kill somebody, even though you should, that proves your strenght. And we're so proud of you. And Uncle B up there will realise that one day.", she whispers crying.—

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...