Frozen. I am just standing there, not moving. Alex left me. I still can't believe it. It must have been about 30 minutes already that I am just standing there and staring at the door.
Hoping she'll come back. Hoping she'll open the door and shout: "It's a prank Toby! I would never leave you because I love you so much!"
But nothing happens.
What did I do to deserve this....Three days later....
I still can't believe it. All I did the days was laying in bed. Numb. That's how I felt. Numbness all over my body. Unable to eat, drink or speak. I locked myself in my room and stared at my phone the whole time, waiting to hear from Alex. But she didn't call or text me the whole time.
Suddently, my phone rings.I instantly pick it up.
"Hey Tobs. It's Chris."
"Hey Pressy. What's the matter?", I ask tiredly.
"Um- I was wondering if I could- talk to you? I need to um- tell this somebody. Please Tobs. I can't do this alone..", she whispers.
"Fine. Come over whenever you want.", I mumble and hang up.Maybe it's good if I could talk to someone..
About 15 minutes later, the doorbell rings.
I slowly make my way to the door and see a terrified Christen.
"Pressy what happend?", I ask kinda shocked.
She walks in and we sit down on the sofa."Do you remember Zach? The football captain?", she asks.
I nod. That guy is some real trouble.
"We'll um- I don't know how to say it- I can still not get over it but-
Julie cheated on me- with him!", she barely gets the words out and starts crying."What? Jules and - Zach? Oh Christen I am so sorry..", I mumble and pull her into a big hug.
"But guess what. You're not alone. Alex left me too- three days ago."
I start and tell her the whole story.When I'm done, Christen looks at me, totally in shock.
"Oh Tobs it's horrible!", she cries out and hugs me again.
"Yeah what did we do to deserve this..", I mumble and feel tears running down my face.
She rests her head on my shoulder and I rest mine on her head. I gently rub her back and can feel her calm down.
"It's going to be okay Chris. We'll get through it.", I whisper in her ear and she gives me a tired smile.
"She was perfect for me, you know?", she starts.
"All her insecurities.. They were safe with me. I helped her to deal with them. But Zach? He would never be able to do that. He's so rough and he doesn't even deserve her..", she mumbles and tears stream down her face.
"But the problem is that she cheated on me with- a boy. She lied to me all the way. God I was so dumb..", she's now literally drowning in tears."Hey Pressy. You're not alone. How could I ever think that she actually loved me.. Man was I blinded.. I almost died for her. And let her ex-boyfriend beat me up because I fell so damn hard for her.. I wasted my time.", I mumble.
It feels good to finally talk about it.
"I'm here for you, Toby.", she simply sais with a tired smile.
But this sentence will stick in my mind for a long time; she called me Toby and it actually felt right.
Even though only mom and Alex called me like that..

Make you believe again
Fanfiction16 year old Tobin and her father move to Diamond Bar to get over a tragic case concerning her mother's death.. But her dad leaves her soon after and she's all alone. Tobin keeps it secret and shuts herself up, until then she meets Alex Morgan on th...