Chapter 6

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He punches Alex in the face and that's when I lost it too. I yell at him and jump on his back. I did judo for nine years before I started soccer and I know a lot of moves to bring somebody down. I takle him from behind and wipe his feet away. As he lays on the ground, I jump onto him and do a move to fix on the ground so that he can't move anymore. Finall, Mrs. Nelson comes and I let him go.
'I can explain that, Mrs Nelson.', I say polite. 'Alex and I were talking when he attacked her by punching her into the face. I just made sure that he doesn't hurt her anymore by doing a judo move that doesn't hurt. It just takes you opponent down so you can fix him on the ground.'
'Well thank you Ms Heath. That was okay this time but please use you judo-moves only for protecting yourself or others. Don't hurt anyone. Did Servando hurt you too?', she asks.
'Yes, Mrs Nelson.', I say and point on the cuts on my face. 'He beat me up yesterday without any reason.' I say amd pull my shirt up to show her the pruple bruises on my ribs that are not covered by the bandage. 'He hit my ribs.'
'Thank you, Tobin. Alex and you will go to the principals now. I'll take Servando with me.', she sais and Alex and I go to the office.

Time skip to lunch....

We talked to the principal and Servando got suspendet. His friends got extra-hours for 4 weeks and Alex was very thankful that I spoke up to Mrs Nelson.
'Soo Tobin. Today are the tryouts for our soccerteam. I hope you'll be coming?', Alex sais.
'Of course. But I'll tell your coach about my ribs, okay? I don't want them to think that I'm not fast or anything but it still hurts a bit..', I say. I put my sportsbag out of my locker and check the inside; cleats, shinprotectors, socks, jersey, shorts, hairband and water. Great!
'Nice cleats Tobs!', Alex shouts when she sees them.
'Thanks.', I smile. 'It's the Hypervenom Phantom PG II. I saved money for a whole year till I finally bought them.', I laugh.
'I got the same ones. But in light-green and baby-blue.', she smirks. I smile and look at my dark-blue and dark-green cleats.
'Come on, Tobs. We'll be late!', she sais and grabs my hand. We walk up to the lockers-room and 21 girls stare at me.
'H-hi.', I mumble.
'HIIIIIIIII!!', a girl shouts and runs up to us.
'I am Morgan Brian. Just call me Moe. And you are..?', she smiles. She seems very nice!
'I-I'm Tobin. Tobin Heath.', I say.
'Come on, Tobs. I'll show you everyone!', Alex sais excited and grabs my hand again. We walk up to a very tall girl.
'This is Hope Solo, our goalie. I bet she'll be the best goalie in history one day. And don't be scared because of her look haha. She's very nice.', she smiles.
'Hi Tobin. I heard you're a middie, right?', Hope sais and smiles at me.
'Y-yes I'm a middie. Nice to meet you.', I say and smile back.
'HIII TOBIN!', a girl jumps on my back.
'Wooow you scared me!', I say and she jumps off. She gives me her hand and I shake it.
'Hi, I'm Kelley O'Hara. Kels if you want.', she smiles.
'Hi Kels.', I smile back. She seems so nice wow!
'Hey. I'm Julie Johnston.', sais a young blonde girl. 'Nice to meet you.', she smiles.
'Hey Julie. Nice to meet you too!', I say. She seems pretty shy but I like shy people. 'And I'm Christen Press.', sais another girl with brown hair who steps up behind Julie.
'Hey Christen. I'm Tobin.', I say and shake her hand.
'Hey Tobin. I'm Sydney Leroux. And this are Ashlyn Harris and Alyssa Naeher as our second goalies, Ali Krieger, Becky Sauerbrunn, Meghan Klingenberg, Carli Lloyd, Heather O'Reilly, Amy Rodriguez, Megan Rapinoe, Whitney Engen, Abby Wambach and Chrystal Dunn.'
'Hey, nice to meet y'all!', I say and get dressed. We walk out on the pitch to the coach.
'Hi girls! And you are here for the tryouts, right?', she sais to me.
'Y-yes. I think I'm the only one..', I say.
'What's your name?', she asks.
'I-I'm Tobin Heath.', I respond.
'Hi Tobin. I'm Jill Ellis, your new coach if you make it to the team.', she sais and smiles.

Time skip to after practise....

'So Tobin. Did you enjoy the practise?', Jill asks.
'Yes, I did. It's different than at home but it was great and I hope that this is just my first time with you on the field.', I say.
'There are many more to come, Tobin. Congratulations, you made it into the team. You're a great player with so many potential and I think you'll have a great future with soccer.', she smiles.
'YAS TOBYYYY!', Kelley shouts and jumps on my back again. Morgan joins in and so does the whole team.
'Great job, Tobin.', Alex smiles at me and kisses my cheek. She makes me blush again.. She's the only one that can make me blush though.. I smile.
'I made it yay!', I say and hug her.
We get into the lockersroom, change and head out of the school.
'Wanna come over and stay the night, Alex?', I ask her and she smiles.
'I'd love to, Tobs. I'll just call mom and tell her.', she sais and calls her mom.
'She said that she's okay with it.', she smirks after the call. I smile back and take her hand. And there we walk to my house, just Alex and I, hand in hand..
But then suddently-

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