A Message for You Lovely Larries

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Hi everyone, I'm Khristina, if you didn't know. Oh my God, this feels so weird. I haven't typed on this story since last year and I completed it like December of 2014 I think haha.

So I'm pretty sure a lot of you know that I don't like this story. I say so in the opening titled the title of the book and in the description. It was my first book, not ever, but on Wattpad. I had been reading Larry stories and I got inspired by TrulyMadlyLarry's Detention series to write my own. It was a heat-of-the-moment type thing. The idea literally just popped in my head and I started typing away. It wasn't planned or anything.

Anyway, at the time, I thought that the story was decent. I was happy with it, but as time went on and I became more experienced and more mature with my writing, I started to think to myself "what the actual fuck is this book?" I hated it. I liked the overall plot, but I feel I just didn't successfully execute it. 

A lot of you will disagree with me on that. A lot of you like this story and that's awesome. I'm glad I've entertained you. But to me, this story just isn't good enough. It still shocks me how people read this book after almost two years. Honestly I feel like its my worst work. I can't stand it, but people continue to read it and like it and it was my first ever book on Wattpad that I just didn't have it in my heart to delete it. 

But lately I've been thinking. I thought about maybe going back and revising this story. I wanted to change it, make it a lot better. Make it to where I don't wanna punch myself or cringe😂 Of course the overall plot of Louis and Harry being enemies from Louis bullying him in middle school will stay, but I wanted to change things around. I have no idea when I'd do this. I know it won't be soon. It would be months away. I want to walk away from this app (which I know will be in like the next 9-12 months) and be content with all of my stories and love them. I don't plan on deleting them or deactivating my account. I want people to continue on reading when I'm gone.

You may be asking why I'm leaving. Well its because I'm getting older. I'm a senior in high school and going (maybe) to college. I know there's way more out there for me. I also know I wouldn't have much time to update books anyway when in college. There's just a lot out there to do and experiences to experience that I feel that Wattpad should come to a close. Like a book, its time to shut this chapter on my life.

I need something more professional and official than this app. Don't get me wrong, I love Wattpad with all my heart, but you can only be here for a certain amount of time. I think three years is enough. I'm gonna always write. I want it be a profession of mine, but Wattpad just isn't enough. I'm not gonna write fanfiction either after this. I'm going back to my fictional writing with my own characters and such like when I was younger. So all in all, Wattpad was just a stop in the road. Hope you understand.

So that's all I had to say. I'll come back sometime and revise this book to something bigger and better. I have no idea when, but I think it'll happen. When its all revised, I'll unpublished this story then go through and re-publish the new chapters. 

Thank you so much for reading this book. It really means a lot to me. I feel repetitive because I always say that, but its the truth. Thank you for giving this crappy story a chance and loving it more than I do haha. You don't have to read the new version when it comes out. If you feel this version is the best then okay, but I'm just saying that if you're curious about what other path this story can take, then stick around my friends. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Furthermore, if you'd like to read any of my other Larry works, check out Home. Its only two chapters in, but I love the plot so much and I have so much I want to do with it. Its definitely more mature and I find the plot interesting. Also, if you don't mind Narry, check out Be Good to Me. Its a Larry vs Narry story. Its way more than two chapters in.

Thank you a lot, I love y'all so much😘

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