Chapter 20

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Things have been going well for Louis and I.

We've been dating for two weeks now. Two magical weeks I might add. We ended up studying together in philosophy and that project that Louis and I did a while ago, we got an A- on it.

We went out to eat almost every other night, mostly at Emma's. Later that night, we went to the fair that was just a town over. Louis had won me a giant teddy bear. That was one of the best date nights we had.

"Oooh, Louis what about this game? It looks fun."

Louis looked up at me, a smile curling at his lips. "Okay, love."

He walked over to the game and sat down the money.

"Alright all you gotta do is knock down all four milk bottles in one throw" the woman said.

Louis turned to me and winked.

He threw the ball and it knocked over only two bottles. Louis pouted and placed down more money. He kissed the ball, for good luck I guess.

He tried again, knocking over all milk bottles."Yay!" I yelled, jumping up and down.

Louis pointed to the giant teddy bear and when he received he turned to me and handed it over. "Here you go, darling."

"Thanks, it's perfect."

Louis entwined our hands. "Like you."

He made everything better. Even at work on those slow and boring days. He'd make me play silly games with him on break, he still made funny faces, and pulled pranks on customers without getting caught. Yes, Louis is the King of Pranks. Every now and then, he'd still write notes or come up behind me without my acknowledgement and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. It was the best. He was the best.

One time after work, we decided to visit the park a few blocks away. This was a day where we got off early, not at eleven.

"Harry, swings!"Louis yelled running across the park.

I giggled at his childishness. The two of us always bring the happiness and childness out of each other. It  was good considering we had to be all serious and mature like adults, but sometimes its nice to get away from all that.

He plopped down on the swings and looked me. "Care to join me, love?"

A smile curled on my lips and I ran to the next swing. I turned to Louis and I couldn't help but smile.

It was a little chilly out today, so he had on a red beanie, a white hoodie, red chinos and converse. Not to mention his pretty little face was flushed. His cheeks were red like Santa and the tip of his cute little button nose was red too. He looked so damn adorable.

Louis noticed me staring so he turned to me and smirked. "Take a picture it'll last longer."

"Oh trust me, baby I don't need too. I have plently of pictures of you on my phone. Even one of you sleeping."

Louis' smirked fell and he groaned. "Harrrryyyy, I told you to delete that" he whined.

I shook my head. "Noooo I can't. You look so cute and peaceful, babe."

Louis narrowed his eyes at me. "Delete it" he demanded.

"Or what?" I mused.

Louis got off his swing and stood in front of me.I just smiled up at him, closing my eyes.

"Delete it, Harry."

"No" I stuck my tongue out.

Louis lunged forward and started tickling me.I laughed and kicked and screamed. "Lo-uis, s-stop!"

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