Chapter 33

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"I what?" I asked with furrowed brows

"You got in a car crash last night, Harry. You hit your head pretty hard."

I put my hand to my head and felt it bandaged up. "I...what happened?"

"I don't exactly know. Liam just called me acting all hysterical and he said you go into a car crash. He said you were coming to talk to me" Louis looked up at me with curious eyes.

I faintly smiled. "Y-yeah."

"What did you wanna tell me?" Louis placed his hand over mind and caressed it. Warmth spread throughout my body by the contact. He always managed to do that by simple touches or just the sound of his delicate voice filling my ears.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said. It was completely un-called for and I was being a dick. I forgive you for kissing Max. You're right, you've been through some shit and you needed some comforting. I just wish you would've talked to me, Lou."

Louis nodded. "I know, baby I should've at least called or something. It was wrong to totally ignore you, but like I said, I was focused on my family and the funeral. And kissing Max was wrong. I'm so damn sorry I cheated on you, Harry. And I've fucked up so many times. I hurt you and let you down. I let down my grandma. I'm letting down my parents by not telling them I'm gay and I'm dating you...I'm just a giant bastard."

"Hey, hey" Louis huffed and stared into my eyes, stubbornly. "You're not a bastard, Lou. It's okay. I forgive you."

Louis removed his hand and I frowned. "No it's not okay! Don't forgive me! I don't deserve it!"

"Shhh! Okay, okay. Calm down, Lou." I started to panic a little. These were the things he was saying in my dream, no nightmare.



"I don't think we should be together...At least not until I get myself together. I'm not fit for a relationship."


Louis sighed. "I think we should stop seeing each other. We both need a break obviously. I'm not fit for a relationship. I wanna do this the right way. I wanna tell my family and I don't wanna be stupid and get involved with other guys. I don't wanna hurt you or screw up. So I think we should break it off for a while till I'm...better."

I swallowed. "O-okay...if that's what you wanna do."

Louis shook his head. "It's what needs to be done."

I nodded not knowing what to say. Louis stood up and leant down to kiss my cheek. "I'll seeya around."

My head dropped sadly as he walked off, but he turned back quickly. "Hey, this isn't the end of us okay?"

I nodded. He turned to the door and walked to it. He turned back to me and smiled before opening the door and leaving.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair Maybe a break is what we need. It's not what we want, but it's what needs to be done.


*Louis' POV*

I sat on my bed with my arms wrapped around my knees. I was just staring into space, crying. No matter how hard I tried to stop the tears, they wouldn't budge. This is how the last two days have been. Eat, sit, cry. If you're wondering this is how my plan is to better myself, it's not. Don't call me stupid. I think Harry and I taking a break is a good idea. We both need time to breathe after all the shit that went down. And I'm not the best person to be with so I'm gonna fix myself. As they say, you gotta love yourself before you can love someone else. And you gotta take care of yourself before bringing someone else into your life. I don't know exactly how to fix myself, but I'm doing this for Harry because I love him.

A knock at the door startled me from the thoughts. I wiped my face and headed to it. I opened it seeing the last person I wanna see.


"Get out now!" I yelled.

"I just wanted to see you."

"Well now you've seen me now leave."

"What if I don't want to?"

"You have three seconds to leave before I call dorm security, Max."

Max pushed himself off the doorway and walked towards me. I slowly backed up until I hit the wall. Shit. I was fucking trapped. He put his hands on the side of my head and leaned down to me, his warm breath hitting my face. "How are you and the boyfriend?"

"He got in a car crash!" I yelled in his stupid face.

Max fake frowned. " sad."

"Fuck you" I clenched.

"No. Me fuck you" he smirked.

I scrunched my nose in disgust while he chuckled. "Louis, I want you."

"Eww, get away from me you freak. You broke Harry and I up. I don't even like you. Maybe I did sophomore year, but that was so long ago and now I see how much of an arsehole you are. Now get the fuck out" I snarled.

I started to walk away till Max shoved me back to the wall. I whimpered from the pain that shot from the spine. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. "Let go of-"

His disgusting lips cut me off. He moved them so fast against mine, it made me dizzy. And definitely not a good dizzy. He bit down on lower lip causing it to ooze blood. Max swiped his tongue along it and tasted the metallic substance. I thrashed around to get lose, but to no avail. He then pried his slimy tongue into my mouth and explored it. At this moment, I wanted Harry. I only liked when he kissed me. His kisses were gentle and sweet. He didn't bit on my lip too hard and I loved when our tongues meet, it was languid and passionate. Not something that made me want to throw up my insides.

Max's hand slithered under my shirt. He moved his hands up and down my chest and twisted my nipples way too hard. I whimpered and groaned from the pain. Max grabbed my collar and he guided me to the bed, pushing me on it.

He crawled on top of me, showing a hideous smirk. "Get off me! Help! Someone help!" Max's smirk fell and he grew angry. His callus hand slapped me clean across my face. I gasped. "Shut the hell up" he pointed at me. "No! Screw you! Someone hel-"

Max slapped me again, this time harder then covered my mouth. His other strong hand started pulling up my shirt. I thrashed around.

"Gwt ef ma!" I muffled.

"Shut the hell up!"

Max bent down to unbotton my pants. My eyes grew wide. No. No way. This is seriously happening. I kicked and jerked, but he shifted all his weight on me so I'm completely immovable.

"You know you'll enjoy it" he chuckled darkly.

"Fwck woo!"

"You deserve to be with me not that curly-headed bitch. Come on, Louis. Don't you still have a crush on me?" he batted his eyelashes. He's so fucking insane, oh my God.

I scrunched my brows and shook my head. Max's eyes grew dark and his knee hit me in the crotch. I winced in pain. Max gave me a fake sympathetic look and then started to palm me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll make it feel better."

I whimpered and kept thrashing. I didn't want this. Harry is the only one in the entire damn world who can do this. And now I'm about to lose my virginity to my ex-crush and stalker not to the man I love and adore.

Max pulled my pants down to my ankles. He looked up at me with twinkling and lust-filled eyes. "Mmm, you're so fit, babe."

He pulled down my boxers, releasing my length, it slapping against my abs. Max's eyes went wide and he glanced at me. "You're already hard for me, babe" he smirked.

Wild sobs escaped my mouth. I couldn't believe I got hard over that shit. I fucking hated it so much. I'm disgusted with myself, but more with him.

He started unbottoning his shirt while keeping eye contact with me. He threw the button down across the room then started to work his belt. I cried and turned my head. I couldn't see this. I couldn't believe this was happening. Max shifted around to shimmy out his jeans. "We're gonna have some fun, babe. If I can't have you, I will have your body."

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