Chapter 17

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"Alright and your change is £4, have a nice day."

It was the next day and Louis and I were working. I was so pumped about working with him now. Before he wasn't my favorite person, but now I know working with him will be fun. And it has.

He's been making silly faces, pulling pranks on customers and drawing customers, and writing little jokes and funny stories on paper to me. He just made my job easier and made the day go by faster. The day has been fantastic and I know it'll only get better for my date tonight with him.

A pretty, tall blonde woman came up to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks how may I help you?" I asked flashing a dimpled smile.

"I'll have a tall white chocolate mocha."

"Alright that'll be £4.62."

She handed me her money. "Say how about me and you go grab a bite after your shift?"

Oh great. This is the third customer who's flirted with me and asked me out.

"Sorry, I'm gay."

The woman scoffed and eyes grew dark. "Whatever, fag. Just get me my drink."

Bish what?

"Um excuse me?" I asked. Anger was boiling up inside me.

"I. Said. Get. Me. My. Drink. God, do you fags not understand english?" she hissed.

"Listen here lady I-"

"Here's your drink, ma'am" Louis said passing her her mocha.

"Thanks" she said forcing a smile.

"And by the way us fags do understand english, it's you bitches that need to stop acting like needy, pathetic cunts" Louis said smiling at her.

The lady rolled her eyes and walked away.

I stared at Louis gobsmacked. "Lou, you can't talk to customers like that!"

"Look the bitch had it coming. She will not talk to you like that. I heard her and I got pissed so I just made her drink to get her out of here and out of here fast."


"By the way the name on her cup is the 'Queen of Cunts' and I also added like 4 tablespoons of salt and pepper in her drink" Louis grinned.

"Oh my god! Really?!" I laughed.

"Yup" he laughed. "Look."

He pointed out the window to where the woman was. She took a sip of her drink and made a disgusted face. Then turned to us and flipped us off and threw her drink on the ground and stormed off. Louis and I burst out laughing.

"Tommo, Harry stop fooling around and get back to work" Rachel demanded walking out the Employee Only door.

Louis and I stopped giggling and returned to our posts.


"Okay, Ni the blue one or the red one?"


"What? Why?"

"I don't want you to go on this date."

I scoffed. "I thought you liked Louis."

"I do, but I don't think you should date him though."

I sighed and sat down next to Niall on my bed.

"Is it cause you have feelings for me?"

Niall gulped. "I mean, yeah. But he's hurt you numerous times before, who says he won't stop?"

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