Chapter 14

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When I made it down to the canteen, I noticed him. He was sitting down eating with a friend.

And no I don't mean Louis. Obviously, cause he's upstairs with Niall.

I meant fucking Zayn.

Seeing that motherfucker makes my blood boil. I wanted to rip him to shreds. I stomped over to him and picked up his tray and threw it on the ground. People around started looking.

Zayn stood up. "What the hell, Styles?!" he yelled.

"I know what you did to Niall, you twat! I'm gonna beat your damn arse right now! Let's go!"

Zayn's eyes went from filled with hatred to softness.

What the hell?

"Harry, I need to talk to you."

"No fuck talking! Niall's upstairs in Liam's dorm with a bloody nose, black eye, and possibly broken ribs and nose! He refuses to go to the doctor. I can't believe you'd do something like this you dickhead!"

Zayn reached his hands out.

I flinched. "Don't bloody touch me! Let's go right now! Two hits! Me hitting you, you hitting the floor!"

"Harry, I don't wanna fight. I wanna talk."

"Cut the bullshit, Zayn! You beat my friend to a pulp and now I'm gonna do the same to you!"



Then I did it. I hit Zayn right in the jaw.

People started 'oooh-ing' and some were even laughing at Zayn.

"Yeah you get 'em hot curly guy!" someone yelled.

I ignored them though and went to punch Zayn again. But he dodged and somehow managed to grab my wrist and pulled me away. Man that fucker was fast.

"LET GO OF ME, FUCKER!" I screamed.

"HARRY, SHUT UP!" he yelled back.

Zayn dragged me out of the canteen and into the corridor. He pushed my against a wall and put his forearm to my neck.

"Oh great are you gonna kiss me then fucking beat me too?!" I spat.

"HARRY!" he yelled.



My eyes buldged. I knew it! Fucking knew it!

Zayn sighed and dropped his arm from me. "I like Niall. I always have. I was never okay with my sexuality so I picked on gay people. Then I got feelings for Niall and so I thought that if I beat him up and treat him like shit then the feelings would just go away...but they didn't."


Zayn ran his fingers through his hair. "I like Niall and I bully him, because I'm mad at myself for liking him and mad at him for being so...beautiful" he mumbled.

"Ummm okay. That gives you no god damn right to beat him!" I said.

Zayn put his hands up in defense. "Okay I know that. I feel like shit for what I did to him. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve any of it. I feel horrible. It sickens me to think that I did that to someone I like..."

I sighed. I understand where Zayn's coming from. Louis told the exact same thing. Not agreeing to his sexuality, being scared and mad, picking on people you like. But it was still horrible. In a way, Zayn was way worse than Louis. Sure Louis would kick me and maybe punch me, but he'd never beat me to a pulp. Hell, he never even gave me a black eye.

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