Chapter 22

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*Louis' POV*

I was seated on the train, listening to music and staring out the window.

I would arrive in Doncaster in fourteen minutes. I was excited to see my family. I miss my sisters to death, even though they're really annoying. It feels like I've been gone for a year, but I've only been gone for three months. It's kinda sad to think I'm reuniting with my fam because of my grandma's death. I wish it was over something happy.

I still couldn't believe what Harry said. It really hurt me. I'm very mad at him at the moment too. He called earlier and asked if he could drop me off at the train station, but I declined.

I honestly don't wanna see his face. I feel like if we were in a car together again, we'd have another argument, but worse and we'd break up or some shit.

I don't wanna deal with that. Especially now with the funeral tomorrow. Right now it's not about Harry or college. It's about my family. I just need to enjoy my time here for now. I won't be seeing my fam again til Thanksgiving and that's in about three months. So yeah, my plan is to forget about Harry and just spend time with my family not only for myself, but for grandma.

I remember how much she loved Thanksgiving and she'd always make this delicious turkey casserole. This would be our first Thanksgiving without her and thinking about that brings tears to my eyes. I miss her so much.

"Now listen here, Lou I want you to go to that college and do your best. No slacking off. You're a beautiful and intelligent young man. I want you to use all that power you've got. You've came so far in life and this next big step will set you farther. I want you to make good grades, good friends and most of all I wanna see thrive into a bigger and better person. Don't listen to the negative things people say. This is your life, baby so live it how you want. Just make sure you're living it for God. And whatever lucky lad you find out there, you make sure I get to meet him!"

"Alright, grandma I will. I love you" I smiked.

"I love you too, baby so much. Now go on! Call me as soon as you're in Manchester."

"Okay, bye."

I wiped the tears that were forming in my eyes and sighed. What if I had stayed home and cared for her? She could've lived longer. Maybe. Just maybe.

She could've made it through the Thanksgiving or my birthday and Christmas. Even the new year.

She'll never see me graduate. She'll never meet Harry.


He would've liked her a lot. I could see them talking a lot to each other and getting along like girlfriends. They would've been like peanut butter and jelly.

In a way, Harry reminds me of grandma. The stubborness, the poutiness, the curls, the humor and cheekiness. The way they both furrow their brows when they laugh. The fucking dimples. That's right, my grandma had dimples too.

Oh my god. It sounds like I'm dating Harry because he looks like my grandma. That's creepy.

"Excuse me everyone. We have now arrived in Doncaster. I hope you had a nice trip" a voice said over the speaker.

Whoa. Have I been thinking for the past fourteen minutes? That was quick.

I grabbed my luggage overhead and got off the train. The station was only about four blocks from my house so I decided to walk.

I had received a text on the way from Harry.

From Bae:) @ 10:01: hey boo. i just wanted to check in on u. i hope ur okay. i know ur probably tired so just call me tomorrow. i miss ur voice xx

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