Chapter 32

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"NOOOO!" I screeched, my heart plummeting to my stomach as I ran to the edge and looked over. I saw nothing but the black water swaying in the wind and storm. "LOUIS!" I cried. I ran over to the staircase on the end of bridge and sprinted down it.

"Harry!" Niall called.

I didn't listen. I didn't listen to any of the calls. I needed to get to Louis.

He's alive. He's alive. He's alive. I kept telling myself that. He has to be alive. 

I stopped once I reached the water and frantically looked around. I could feel the tears coming down my cheeks and they wouldn't subside. I was breathing so hard that my chest felt like a ton. I paced back and forth, searching. I couldn't see that well so I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I turned my phone to the water and scanned it. A black Vans shoe floated by. "Oh my God" I whispered.

I turned to Niall, Liam, Josh and Zayn who were staring with wide eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "WHAT THE HELL ARE FUCKING STANDING AROUND FOR?! LOOK!" I demanded.

"Harry...calm down" Liam said gently.


Niall pulled out his phone and switched on the flashlight. I glared at the others who frantically did the same. When they started searching with me, I spun back to the dark abyss. "Louis" I called. Suddenly, the sound of sirens filled the air.

"What the-"

"I phoned the police" Liam said. I gave him a sympathetic look before searching again. I swayed the phone across the water till the light hit a black pile. "LOUIS!"

I sprinted to the pile not caring that I got wet. The water did weigh my jeans down, but I kept going. I bent down to the pile and rolled it over. It was Louis. His face was pale and his lips were blue. "Loubaby" I stroked his cheek. Liam bent down and put his head to Louis' chest. I gnawed on my lip watching him do this. He looked up at me with wide chocolate eyes. "He's breathing very, very slowly."

My heart jumped out my chest. "He's alive?!"

Liam nodded. "Yes."

"Zayn, go tell the paramedics were down here! Now!" I said.

"On it!" Zayn and Niall hurried off.

I turned back to Louis. "Oh, baby, you'll be okay. You have to be okay. I love you so much. I'm so sorry" I kissed his ice cold lips and kept stroking his cheek.

"Everyone step aside!" A paramedic said, pushing through with a stretcher, the other medic trudging behind. They lifted Louis' soaked and motionless body onto the stretcher and pushed off. I walked with them while holding Louis' hand. "I love you so much, babe."

Suddenly, Louis lifted his head up and smiled. "I love you too, Harry."

"W-what?" I gasped.

Louis threw his head back and laughed. Soon enough, the medics started laughing. Then Liam and Josh. And Zayn and Niall. And even the bystanders.

I slowly backed away, confused and terrified. I shook my head violently. "No, no, no, no, no..."

I snapped my eyes open and jerked up, sucking in a long breathe. I looked around seeing white walls and hearing a beeping. I turned to see a heart monitor beeping eratically. I glanced down and saw I was in a bed and I was wearing a paper gown. I had a paper wristlet and some tubes in my arms. The door slowly opened and I whipped my head in the direction of it. It was Louis. What the hell?!

He faintly smiled, "Hey, Harry."


He walked over and sat down in the chair next to me. "Yes. I'm here, baby."

"W-what happened? I thought you jumped off a..." I trailed off at a complete loss for words.

"What?" Louis gave a confused look. "I jumped off a what?"

I shook my in disbelief then blinked five times, but nothing happened. What the hell is going on? Am I on crack?

"Harry, are you okay?"

"I-I...what happened?"

Louis licked his dry lips and sighed. "Harry, you're in the hospital. You got in a car crash."


IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! *Nelly's voice*

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