Chapter 23

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Max Stern was the first guy I had ever liked. It was my sophomore year and he was in my english class.

He was funny, cheeky, smart and beyond gorgeous. He was on the footie team with me and was an amazing player. Guys and girls fell at his feet and Max had no problem in telling people he was bi. For some reason I had never bullied him. I think it was because he let me copy his homework. He was one of the most sweetest guys I ever met.

I fell for him hard, but never had the guts in telling him how I felt. He had a girlfriend at the time. They had been together since freshman year.

"Wow. I can't believe it. Louis Tomlinson. How are you, mate?" he asked.

"I-I'm great. I'm attending Man U on a scholarship" I smiled.

"That's great. I'm attending the University of Liverpool."

"Wow, that's nice" I nod.


We stood there in a five second awkward silence not knowing what to say next.

"Oh, I heard about what happened to your grandma. I'm really sorry, mate" He gave a shy smile.

"Thanks. How'd you know?"

"You're mum posted on Facebook that she passed."

"Oh, I see."

"Yep. Well, just hold in there. Things will get better."

"Yeah, thanks."

"I'll be at the funeral tomorrow" he said.


"Mhm. My mum told me about it and she was going and my mum knows your's so..."

"Ah, okay. Well, I'll seeya there."

"Okay. I should probably get going. I'm making chinese tonight."

"Okay, cool. Seeya."

He turned around, but turned back a second later. "Can I have your number?"

"Umm...yeah sure." I got out my phone and gave it to him. He punched in his number.

"Thanks. By the way, Louis you look great" he said handing me back my phone.

I blushed. "Um, thanks you too" I mumbled.

He chuckled. "Alright bye, mate" he walked off, but not before winking at me.


Well that was crazy. I didn't expect that. Max looked really good. I hadn't seem him since graduation. The last time I saw him he had a few pimples here and there and his hair was brown. But I must say, blonde looks really good on him. He looks amazing.

Okay stop it, Lou. You're seeing someone.

I quickly grabbed three boxes of mac and cheese and went to search for Lottie. 


*Niall's POV*

I groaned in frustration trying to find the perfect outfit for the date.

Zayn wouldn't tell me where we were going. It was a 'surprise'. God, I hate surprises, but I'm putting my trust in Zayn. Just like I really should since we're dating. Well kinda. We'll have to see how this date goes.

My mind kept drifting to Liam. He had tried to kiss me...does he like me? I mean, I love Liam with all my heart but as a brother. I feel really bad but I'm not gonna let this get in the way with the date. Maybe he's just upset and confused because he's not seeing anyone and seeing me with Zayn and Harry with Louis makes him feel lonely. And feelings for him have faded away. Its like it's all about Zayn now, which I'm okay with. I really really like him.

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