Chapter 4

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On my way home, I got a call from Starbucks telling me that they were considering hiring me and that I should drop by tomorrow. I was excited since I actually had a chance to start work, but then I started thinking about Eleanor. I mean she's cool and all, but I don't think I could handle being around her for six hours cause she's quite the annoyance.

But what I really couldn't stop thinking about was Louis. Ugh I'm so not ready to go to class tomorrow and deal with his stupid arse. He's the last person I ever wanna see on this earth. But I gotta admit he was super hot and kinda funny I guess. But I can't be thinking about him like that. I can't think about his tan skin, his gorgeous blue eyes, nice smile, and muscular arms. It just wasn't right. I can't forgive him for what he did, especially if he's still picking on me. Ugh why is he picking on me? That question kept floating around my head for years and its still never been answered. But you know what, I will find out. I have to talk to him.


The next day during philosophy, I did something I shouldn't have...I stared at Louis. God I don't see why I keep doing that. There's nothing special about him, he's a prick. There were even a few times I'd see him looking at me. Ugh, Louis why are you doing this to me? I need to speak with him, but when? He'd never listen to me anyway. He hates me and I hate him.

After class I decided to follow him. No I'm not a crazy stalker I just needed to talk to him, and for some reason I thought this was the perfect time. Actually I just decided to do it now and get it over with, cause I'd be too scared to do it any other time. I saw him walking with one of his friends, I think he was in my Business class. I think his name's Liam Payne or something. He seems nice, kinda quiet. He's cute too. Okay I seriously need to stop checking out guys, its becoming ridiculous. I saw them walk over into Emma's Diner. I slowly followed after.

God I feel like such a creep, but I need to get this over with. I walked into the diner and immediately saw them sitting a booth in a corner. I let a breathe, I didn't even know I was holding in, and gulped. My palms started to get sweaty and my heart beated faster. I don't know why I was feeling this way. I guess it was because I was nervous. Nervous of what I'd say, of what he might say. He'd probably tell me to bug off and call me a fag and embarass me in front of Liam. But somehow I found myself walking towards him. He was talking to Liam then turned to me, his smile fading.

"What the fuck..." he muttered.

I cleared my throat. "Um, Louis we need to t-talk."

"You already said everything you needed to yesterday, gayboy."

"Louis! Don't be a dick" Liam spoke up.

"Go away, faggot. I'm here with a friend" Louis spit, ignoring Liam.

I glanced over at Liam who mouthed a 'sorry' to me.

"Louis I really need to talk to you, its important."

Louis scoffed then rolled his eyes. "Fuck off, fag."

"Louis get your scrawny arse up!" I snapped.

Louis' eyes grew wide and he slowly rose up.

"I'll be right back, Li" I heard him say from behind me.

I led him to another booth somewhat distant from other people. I slid in a booth with Louis following me slowly. As he was sliding across from me, he never broke eye contact with me.

"What the hell do you want?" he growled.

"I wanna know why you're here."

"What the hell are you talking about, gayboy?"

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