Chapter 16

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After lunch I invited Louis back to my place to hang. The date had been a smash so why not continue it? 

He talked a lot about his life. I found out he had four sisters-Fizzy, Lottie, Daisy, and Phoebe. He told me high school. He was in theatre and he even told me about the plays he was in and stuff. He talked about bullying some gay people in his school and then went on this five minute rant about how sorry he felt and how much he'd love to find those people and apologize. He was even on the football team and told me he was here for a scholarship. His favorite color is red and some of his favorite bands are The Fray, Kings of Leon, and The Killers.

Hearing Louis talk about his life put a smile on my face. He could be silly and talk about stuff like his senior prank and then he could be serious and talk about his grandma and his parents always ranting about how wrong homosexuality is. Either way I couldn't help but get lost in his story.

Louis also told me he self-harmed through his sophomore and junior year. He ended up liking this guy in his english class and when he got enough courage to ask his parents why being gay was wrong, they yelled at him and cursed at him and sent him to his room grounding him for a month.

There were even some leftover scars on his left wrist. I felt bad for Lou. I thought I was the only one who had tough times...

Hearing his stories just made me understand him more.


"Man I'm so full, Louis that meal killed me" I said plopping on the couch.

"Oh, hush you know it was damn good."

"Very" I agreed laughing.

Louis sat down beside me.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Let's watch some movies."


I got up and made my way to my shelf of DVDs.

"Alright I say we watch Fight Club, The Amazing Spider Man, Iron Man 3, and Pulp Fiction."

"Oooh I love The Amazing Spider Man. Andrew Garfield is amazing" Louis said. "And hot" he added.

I gasped. "Are you choosing Andrew over me?"

Louis smirked. "Never. Nobody compares to you."

A blush swept over my cheeks and I looked back down at the DVD collection, biting my lip. "Which movie first" I mumbled trying to change the subject.

"The Amazing Spider Man, curly. Duh!" He rolled his eyes.

I pouted. "Hey only Niall can call me that."

Louis smirked. "Aww, Harry you know you're cute when you pout" he joked in a baby voice.

"Well what am I when I'm not pouting?" I smirked.

"Adorable, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy..."

Blushing again. "Kay I get it."

I put in The Amazing Spider Man and made my way back to the couch. I didn't turn around though. I just backed up watching the screen. And that's how I ended up landing on a lap and hearing a yelp.

I turned and saw Louis' beautiful eyes. Ugh I can get lost in them. Like lost as sea.

"Oh, I'm s-sorry" I said.

I tried standing up, but something grabbed my wrist. I looked down and saw feminine fingers wrapped around it. Connected to that hand was Louis' arm. He slowly pulled me back down on his lap. My heart started beating out of my chest.

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