Chapter 3

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Mrs. Wells said there were no more available dorms so Niall had to stick with Zayn. I told him he could stay with me if he wanted to, but he just shrugged. I didn't get it. I thought he hated him. Why did he seem okay to live with him now? 

"Okay seriously, Ni stay with me. Why are you okay with him all of a sudden?"

"I'm not okay with him I still hate his fucking guts" Niall answered a little angry.

"Then why would you rather be with him than me?"

"Look if things get really outta hand I'll come to your place, but for now I'm in that dorm. Besides I have a friend down the hall who's there to help if-when I need it."

I sighed heavily pushing my fringe to the side. "Fine Ni. But I swear if you come back to class tomorrow with some scratches on you I will beat his arse for touching you and the beat your arse for being an idiot."

 Niall nodded.

"Look I gotta get going I need to go to the store and pick up some food then fill out this job application for Starbucks."

"Starbucks? Nice. I worked there last year."

"What happened?"

"I quit cause I found another job at Target, but then I got fired from there. "Yeah, I don't do so well with jobs" he laughed.

I laughed too. "Okay, well seeya" I said walking off.

"Bye, Hazza."


It was the next day and I only had one more class to attend to thank god. I mean I liked philosophy and Mr. Turtle was a nice teacher, but today's been going by slow and I was also worrying about the job at Starbucks. I had time to turn in the app on my way to school today. Eleanor was working today too. She's really nice, but I could tell she liked me. She seemed like the clingy type. Today she gave me a free cotton candy frap and her number was on the cup. She also gave me five cake pops too. The woman is starting to freak me out. And now I realize that if I get this job I'll be working with her. Great. But on the bright side, Niall didn't come to class with any signs of abuse on him. I was still worrying about him though. What the hell made him wanna stay in the dorm with fucking Zayn?

My thoughts were interrupted when this guy came into the class. He was small, but muscular. He had bright blue eyes and messy brown hair. He was wearing black jeans that were rolled to his ankles, black converse, and a blue shirt that was obviously too tight cause his biceps were noticable. Like really noticable. But what I couldn't stop staring at was his face. It looked so familiar. Something inside me told I've seen him before, maybe even know him. He sat to the right of me across the isle. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was very attractive, but I had this feeling pooling in my stomach that I know him. Then I heard him giggle and oh my god it was so hot. His voice was almost angelic. He was laughing at something his friend next to him said. Ugh he's so pretty. The way his eyes get small and crinkle when laughs. Where was he before? I hadn't seen him in this class before. Did he switch classes? Just then Mr. Turtle walked in and the mysterious pretty boy and his friends went quiet. Mr. Turtle sat his suitcase down on his desk and looked over the class, until his eyes landed on pretty boy.

"Ahh, Mr. Tomlinson I see you'll be joining us in philosophy this year...three days late I might add." 

Pretty boy-I mean Tomlinson shuffled in his seat and sat up propping his hands on the desk and putting his chin on them. 

"Yes, Mr. Turtle I switched out Finance just for you. I just had to have you again this year" he smirked.

Mr. Turtle chuckled. "That's very flattering Mr. Tomlinson, but I'm not buying any of your shit."

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