Chapter 21

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*Niall's POV Continued*

I walked to Liam's dorm and knocked. I wanted to tell him about my date with Zayn, which was tomorrow night. I was excited, but mostly scared.

You see, Liam's a fantastic advice giver so I always go to him for help. He's like my hero, always caring. He looks out for me like an older brother should, even though we aren't related.

The door opened revealing Liam. He was flashing a brilliant smile. "Hey."

I smiled back. "Hi."

He moved aside for me to enter. I plopped down on his bed on my stomach, burying my head in his pillow. He smelled good. Like vanilla. Mmm I love vanilla.

He giggled. "So what's up, Ni?"

I flipped over to see his face. "I have some news to tell you, Li."

Liam sat down next to me and crossed his legs. "Shoo."

"Um okay...I kinda have a date."

A giant goofy smile appeared on Liam's face. "Whoooo?" he mused.

My cheeks heated up and he pinched them.

"Niall, tell me!" he demanded.

I just stared at floor, biting my lip. Should I tell him?

"Is it that creepy kid from the canteen who stares at you and keeps Cheerios in his pocket?"


"Whoooo!" he whined, playfully punching my arm.


I saw Liam stiffen out of the corner of my eye. "What the hell did you just say?" he asked darkly.

"I said Zayn."

Liam jumped off the bed, startling me. "Why the fuck are you going out with Zayn, Niall?! He's your fucking bully! What the hell?!" he yelled.

"Liam calm down I talked to Zayn and Zayn also talked to Harry a while ago. He only picked on me because he's gay and has feelings for me. He finally was able to admit it and I kinda like him too so we're going out tomorrow night."

Liam clenched his jaw and he crossed his arm. "No."


"I said no! He beat you, Niall and you're just gonna go out with him like nothing happened?! What about all the times he gave you wedgies or stole your homework? You know I had to spend some nights last year holding you and listening to you cry because of the messed up shit that arsehole did to you! He doesn't fucking deserve you, Niall! He's a dick!"

Anger brewed inside me. How could he talk about Zayn that way?

"You weren't there, Liam! You didn't see the fucking tears in his eyes or how broken his voice sounded when he came to me! He fucking apologized and it was sincere! We've moved on from that! God, why can't you be a friend and just be happy for me?!" I yelled back.

"I can't believe you, Ni. All the damn shit he's done to you and you just forgive him", he snapped his fingers, "like that?"

"Look at Harry and Louis" I said.

Liam pursed his lips.

"Louis apologized and Harry forgave him, now look at them. I look up to them, Li. They're fantastic together."

"That's a different story" Liam groaned.

"No it's not, Liam. You don't really understand the situation. You weren't there. Now I just need you to trust me and be happy for me. I haven't been on a date in a year and I haven't found the right guy...for some reason I think Zayn can be. I just need to give him a chance and you need to give me one."

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