Chapter 11

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*Louis' POV*

I sat on my bed staring at the powerpoint. I had to send it to Harry, but I really wanted to send an email attached saying I'm sorry.

But could I do it.

Ugh. This is so damn difficult. What if he just yells at me and then blocks me?

Well I'd deserve it...I am a stupid, heartless arsehole.

I bit my lip in frustration.

Fuck it. I'll apologize. If he forgives me, that's great. If he doesn't at least I tried. It's better than not doing anything at all...

I began typing away. I didn't even think, I just typed what I felt...

Hey, Harry. Look I'm really sorry for what I did to u yesterday. We we're having such a good time and then I fucked it up. Look I don't know why I touched u, but u got all scared when I did and I started freaking out so I just yelled at u...which didn't make it any better like I thought it would. I'm really really super sorry. I know this may seem like a joke to u, but I really am. When I left I heard u cry and I just couldn't handle hurt me when I hurt u. And another thing, I'm really sorry for what I did to u in middle school. I bullied u for 3 years and I feel like shit thinking about it. I don't know why I did it. I guess I was jealous u know...cuz ur great and I'm Look if I have to make it up to u then I will. Even if it takes 3 years. Plz meet me at Emma's Diner tonight at 7. I know I told u I had something to do tonight, but I'll cancel just for u. I really wanna talk to u and get along with u. Plz meet me...

There. I think that's nice.

I hovered the mouse over the send button, but didn't click.

Dammit Louis! Why are you hesitating?! CLICK THE DAMN THING!

I gulped.

What if he doesn't forgive me though? What if he hates me more?

Oh shut up! He doesn't even hate you now. He could never hate you trust me...

What do you mean he can never hate me?

Oh just shut the hell up and click send ya dumbarse!

I shook my head trying to get the crazy voices out of my head out.

Hey we're not crazy!

I clicked the send button and sighed.

Oh please Harry get this ASAP.

I stared at the screen waiting for what felt like hours.


*Harry's POV*

I was in the kitchen making tacos when I heard a ding from my laptop. I trotted over to my computer and clicked it, pulling up an email.

Oh great it's from Louis. It better be the damn project.

It was. But there was also a long paragraph that was attached. I sat down, opening it and reading over it.

Oh my god. Louis apologized? He thinks I'm great? He wants to be friends? He wants me to meet him?

A million thoughts ran through my head.

Just meet him. Give him a chance.

No he's a dick and he'll just hurt you again. Remember that you hate him.

I don't hate him, I could never hate him. I don't know why, but I just couldn't. And people should always be give chances.

Oh come on! You gave him a damn chance and he continued being an arsehole! You and him were even getting along then he yelled at you and called you a cocksucking homo! You can't forgive him!

But I can. I'm not a hateful person. I can't help that I have a big heart. I'll give him another chance.

Oh my god! Really? Out of all the shit he's done to you, you're gonna forgive him? What if it's a trap?

It's not a trap. And I can't keep thinking about the past, its the past! I gotta move on. I'm in college now. Middle school should be a blur to me now.

Fine! Go meet his arse! When he breaks your heart AGAIN, don't come crawling back to me!

Trust me I won't...because he won't break my heart. I...I kinda trust him. This email seems very legit and meaningful. I'm not gonna let a bunch of anger boiled up inside me, stop me from making a good friend.

Ugh. I'm gonna puke. That sounds like such garbage. Whatever. Do your thang. But he will hurt you. And deep down you know it...

I shook the thoughts out of my head and started typing him back.

Fine I'll meet u.

That's really short. But its all he needs...


*Louis' POV*

I was still staring at my laptop eating some crisps, waiting...

Come on, Harry please email back.



I clicked on the email and read it.

Yes he's gonna meet me!!! Okay, Louis don't fuck up. You have a chance to make a great friend here, don't mess up.

Tonight, I'm gonna make it up to Harry. Three years of absolute hurt. I'll make it up in one night...

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