Chapter 30

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*Louis' POV*

"For fuck sake, Liam leave me alone!"

"No! You need to talk to Harry! You gotta explain to him what happened exactly! If you'd just talk to him maybe he'd understand!" he yelled back.

"I tried to explain to him! He wouldn't listen to me! It's over! He hates me!" I groaned frustratedly.

"He doesn't hate you, Louis! He's just hurt because you kept something from him! Stop running!"

I groaned and stopped. Liam came up next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "He loves you"

I gaped at him.

Harry loves me?! What?! How does he know that?!

"A-and how do you know?"

"Niall told me and Niall just talked to Harry like five minutes ago."

"W-what? N-no Harry doesn't love me. I hurt him" I stepped back shocked.

"Yes, he does. And even though you did hurt him, he hurt you. You guys gotta talk it out."

"He loves me?"

Liam giggled. "Yes, Louis. We've all known for a while. You should see the way he looks at you."

I groaned. "He loves me! Oh my God! I screwed up big time! I said all that shit to him and I said I hated him! I'm such a horrible fucking person! I always have been! I can't fucking believe this! I keep doing this, Li! I keep hurting people and letting them down! I promised I wouldn't hurt him and I did!" I yelled.

"Louis, calm down! I-"

"No, Liam! I'm the biggest fuck up on the planet! I always do something wrong! I'm always hurting people! I'm a horrible person who deserves only horrible things! I don't deserve Harry, Liam! He deserves someone who doesn't let them down!" I took a deep breath, my heart cracking at the next thing I say. "I don't deserve Harry's love."

And with that I ran out my dorm. Away from Liam. Away from Harry. Away from this whole situation. I mess up and that's all that I do. I don't deserve my grandma. I don't deserve my friends. And I definitely don't deserve Harry. I do everything wrong.

I ran and ran and ran not caring where I was going. I didn't care that it was starting to rain and I didn't care that I would get sick. I just didn't care. And I bet that was something people already thought I do. Not caring since I always hurt and ignore people. The clouds darkened and the rain pattered harder against me. Thunder and lighting struck above me. I was soaked which made my clothes heavy making me run slower. I stopped when I saw a bridge. I walked over to it and looked over the wall. It was at least a sixty foot drop. I could tell there was water, but it was shallow.

My phone rang and I knew it was Liam, but I ignored it.

"Why not ignore it? I don't care!" I laughed darkly at myself.

I thought for a moment and I ended up climbing on the wall. I stood on top of it, looking over the edge and debating.

"Horrible people deserve horrible things" I said staring down at the black water.

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