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*One Year Later*

"I love you, Lou."

"I love you too, Harry."

"Hey, Harry?"

"Yes, babe?"

"I love me too."


Louis had started to love himself thanks to Harry. It took some time, but better late than never, right?

Louis was admitted into a self-help group which did help tremendously. He also met some great friends there like Nick Grimshaw and Ed Sheeran. Louis told his parents about Harry and of course they were upset. They told him he didn't belong in the family and to never contact them again. But he does text his sisters secretly and asks them how his parents are doing from time to time.

You probably thought Harry and Louis were the first to get engaged but nope. Zayn and Niall were. After the school year ended, Zayn took Niall on a romantic picnic in the park and proposed to him. They'll be getting married after the next school year in July.

As for Josh and Liam, they went on an All-American Rock Music Tour. Liam wasn't a huge fan of rock, but he slowly started to indulge himself in it. Josh would always play some Arctic Monkeys or Linkin Park and soon enough Liam found himself singing and bobbing his head. Josh's uncle who owned a record label, recently passed away and he ended up inheriting it. He reinvented it from a local jazz label into a more modern rock and pop one. Lately they just signed their first band called 5 Seconds of Summer. Josh and the lads all think they'll make it big.

Wanna know about Max? That bastard was taken to jail and sentenced to 10 years soon after Louis was released from the hospital. They had done a rape kit on Louis and found Max's sperm in him.

If you're wondering what Louis and Harry are doing right now for their summer holiday, keep reading.

*Harry's POV*

Louis and I's summer consisted of romantic movies and heaps of my famous spaghetti. But we don't mind. It's just like us. I turned to my beautiful boyfriend who was watching the screen intensely. His lips were parted and his eyes were dead-locked on Love Actually. Yes, we're watching it again. Don't judge me. The dim light from the screen, hit Louis' perfect face. His blue orbs twinkled and he smiled. I smiled at him, but he noticed I was watching and he turned to me.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing"  I smirked.

He looked back at the screen and I giggled.

His eyebrows scrunched up and he faced me. "Okay, what's on my face?"

"Nothing. I just love you."

A smile graced his face. "I love you too."

I cupped his cheeks and pecked his perfect lips. "Can you believe this all happened from you being in my class? Imagine if you never switched to creative writing or we never worked with each other on that project."

"I know, it's crazy. But I'm glad it happened. I'm glad I got another chance with you" Louis sighed happily and laced our fingers together.

"Me too, babe."

We both turned our attention back to the movie till I turned to him and talked again. "Psst, Lou."

Louis glanced at me and I smirked. "I hate you."

He smiled. "I hated you first."

Louis leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back obviously and put my arm around his neck. I opened his mouth and slid my tongue in, savoring his sweet taste.

He faintly pulled away. "Bed?"

"Yeah, I'm beat."

Louis and I cuddled in bed that night with him not knowing there were two plane tickets to New York City under his pillow.



Aww its over:( I hope y'all enjoyed this fic. It was a long journey and I loved every minute of it. Don't be afraid to check out my other stories too. Thank u so much for every read, vote, and comment sweetums:)

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