Chapter 2

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The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I figured out I had another class with Niall which was pretty awesome. I don't know how I feel about him though. I'm not trying to be mean. I mean he is a really great guy, super nice. But I don't know if I like like him. I mean he's fit and has a great personality and an outrageous laugh, but I don't know if I like him like that yet. I don't even know if I can see us as a couple.

But it's only the first day, I mean who knows maybe I will start to develope feelings towards him, but for now I see him as a good buddy. It's nice to have someone with you on the first day, especially if they know the ropes and can help you. I can already tell he liked liked me though. Throughout the day he'd flirt with me and wink at me a lot. One time he even touched my hand. I guess I felt a tiny, tiny, spark when he touched me, but it was very sublte. Like flicking a lighter and there's a flame for like a half a second then it dies out. You know what, why am I even thinking about having a boyfriend? I'm suppose to be focused on my studies and finding a job so I can pay for this damn flat!

"Speak of the devil" I said. 

I drove past a Starbucks that had a 'help wanted' sign in the window. I immediately took a u-turn and parked. I turned the car off and looked in the mirror. I looked drained. My curls were all matted and my eyes were drooping. Even though today went by fast and it was fun, I'm still tired. I dug through my messenger bag and pulled out a gray beanie and put it on. Then I popped a mint in my mouth too before exiting my car. When I walked inside, this girl behind the counter immediately took notice of me. I smiled, shoving my hands deep in my pockets. She was pretty. I mean if I was straight I'd do her. She had a round face, long dark wavy hair, and small brown eyes. She had pouty lips that tugged into a big smile as I approached her. When I finally did, I read her nametag. Eleanor.

"Hey, cutie how may I help you?" she asked.

I blushed. "Um how about a job application?"

"Sure thing" she said bending down. She came back up with two pieces of papers stapled together.

"Do you wanna do it now or will you drop it off sometime?" she asked.

"Um I guess I'll drop it off. I really need to head home" I said.

"Okay cool. Well do you want anything while you're here?" she smiled.

"Sure I'll have tall caramel frappe with extra whip cream" I said.

"Sure thing, hun." She grabbed a cup and sharpie. "What's your name?"


She scribbled my name down then pushed the cup to the side.

"Lou, I need a caramel frappe with extra whip cream" she said to nobody.

"Lou?" she repeated looking around. "Ugh dammit, where'd he go?"

Just then a man came out from the employee only door.

"Hey, Sal where'd Lou go?" Eleanor asked him.

"He just left five minutes ago, his shift was over" Sal replied grabbing the cup.

"Oh right" she said turning back around to me.

"Is that all, cutie or are you just gonna stand there?" she joked.

"Oh sorry" I replied stepping to the side.


After leaving Starbucks I stopped for some takeout at some sleezy chinese restaraunt. I walked up stairs holding my frappe in one hand, keys and bag in another, and I was holding the takeout bag in my mouth. Oh how I can't wait to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Ugh. Tell me why I got a flat on the third floor? Oh yeah because it was the only one for rent and it's only 550 pounds a month. It wasn't that great though. It was a big one room flat, well except for a bathroom that was right off my bedroom next to the kitchen. It had carpet floors, even though the carpet was stained and it was painted this soft blue color which I liked. It had a small bathroom with a shower and bath and I had a decent size kitchen, even though it was green. I shivered thinking of my kitchen. Eww. That kitchen doesn't go with my walls one bit. I had a full size bed tucked behind my living room and a small window next to the bed. I had two guitars next to this stereo Robin bought me my junior year. It wasn't a horrible flat. There were certain things I could do to make it more me, considering I can paint and get new cabinets for that dreadful kitchen.

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