Chapter 34

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*Harry's POV*

"Hey, how's Louis holding up?" Niall asked with a mouthful of crisps.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a like two days" I sighed while running a hand through my curls.

"Do you think this break was a good idea?" Niall raised a brow.

"I...kinda. I mean it's what we need so I can't argue. We just need some time apart."

Niall nodded. "That's understandable."

I nodded in return and took a handful of crisps.

My phone began to ring. I swiped the answer button across the screen, seeing it was Liam. "Hello?"


"Yes, Li?"

"Get over here now! I don't know what happened, but Louis locked himself in the dorm! I called and called him, but he won't answer! I'm worried! You gotta get here now!" Liam panicked.

"Okay, okay! Niall and I are on our way!"I hung up. Niall looked at me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Louis locked himself in his dorm and he won't answer. We gotta get over there" I grabbed my keys and ran to the door with Niall closely behind.

Is he sleeping? Is he just ignoring everyone? What if something happened? My heart pounded so hard, I could barely breath. What if my dream is starting to take place?

Niall and I arrived at the dormitory and sped to Louis' dorm. We ran down the halls seeing Liam, Josh and Zayn standing outside Louis' dorm. "What's going on?" I asked panicking.

"We don't know! He won't answer!" Zayn said. Liam pounded on the door calling Louis' name while Josh just stood there with a worried look and gnawing on his lip. I walked to Liam and joined him in the door banging. "Louis? Loubaby, open up please!"

No answer.

"Louis, open the door!"

No answer again.

"Louis, open the God damn door now!" I yelled.


Tears started streaming down my face. My chest was rising and falling quickly and I was breathing hard out my nose. It fell quiet for a second except for my sniffling and breathing.

I looked at Liam. "Li, bust the door down."

Liam's eyes grew wide. "W-what?"

"You heard me, bust the fucking door down now!"

Liam just stared then composed himself. He backed up until his back hit the dorm door across the hall. He glanced at me. "Do it!" I demanded. Liam looked at the door and charged for it. It swung open, coming off the top hinges. I sprinted inside.

"Oh my God!" I cried, covering my hand in shock.

There lied Louis sprawled on his bed. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted and chapped. His wrists had four deep, raw cuts on them. The knife was still sitting in his left hand. His duvet and clothes were covered in blood. I looked at his nightstand that had a bottle of anti-depressants on it. "Call an ambulance, Niall!"

When I heard no response, I spun around to Niall who just stood there with big eyes. "NIALL?!"

"I'll do it" Zayn said, his voice shaking.

I nodded at him before turning back to Louis. "Oh, Louis I'm so sorry. Everything's gonna be okay. You'll be okay, I promise."

I ran my hands through his hair. "I love you" I whispered then kissed his lips softly.

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