Chapter 27

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*Louis' POV Continued*

I hopped off the train with my luggage. I searched the parking lot for Harry's silver Chevy. The train ride home was good, nothing out of the ordinary. I was really terrified of what Max would so I was super cautious when I was on the train.

"Louis!" a voice called.

I turned my head to see Harry walking towards me, smiling. He looked gorgoeus. He had on a pair of Ray-Bans on even though it was cloudy, a gray beanie-well my gray beanie, a purple v-neck, black skinnies, and his signature converse. Seeing him was like a breath of fresh air. He made me instantly happy.

I ran to him and kissed him passionately. Harry kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I  lifted my foot like they do in the movies. Some peopled awed while some scoffed and walked off. But I didn't care. I haven't seen my baby in four days so everyone can bug off!

Harry was the first to pull back. "How was your trip, babe?" he asked breathlessly.

My smile fell.

It was horrible. I saw my grandma's dead body, I didn't tell my family I'm dating you, I kissed my old high school crush and now he's stalking me!

But I couldn't say. Any of that. Especially not the kiss. "It...was good" I replied.

"That's great, honey. Now let's go home. I gotta big pot of spaghetti waiting for us" Harry wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Great I'm starving."

We sat there at the table eating in silence. It was pretty weird. We never sat quietly. We always had a conversation going whether it was how our day went or Harry telling me his stupid non-funny jokes.


I looked up from my plate and into Harry's emerald beauties.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet. You're usually acting like a five year old on crack."

I weakily smiled at him. "I'm fine."

Harry shook his head. "No, you see you're not fine. A. you would've laughed at what I just said and B. you're never quiet."

"I've just been going through some stuff. I'm still kinda stressed out."

"Yeah, I guess that's why you've been ignoring me" he mumbled.


"Look, Lou I've called you and texted non-stop. You've been gone for four days and I hadn't heard from you! You could've been dead or kidnapped and I wouldn't have known! Lou, I know you could've gotten a little time off your hands to speak with me" he said.

I sighed and dropped my fork. "Harry, I've been dealing with some shit. I told myself that I'm only dealing with my family for the next few days. Nothing else was important at the moment."

"So I'm not important?" he shot me a glare.

"No" I said getting frustrated. "God dammit, Harry! My grandma died! She was really close to me. It was hard, okay? I had to help out with the funeral and stuff. Give me a fucking break. I just got home, I don't need to hear this."

Harry's eyes softened. "I'm sorry, Lou. I get it. I was just really worried about you, you know I care about you, you mean the world to me. I know you had to take care of some things and I get that. But I thought you were mad at me since we had that fight before you left. I thought you were purposely ignoring me because you were pissed at me, I was hurt."

I nodded in understandment. "Harry, I'm sorry I snapped. You have every reason to be worried about me. I care about you too a lot and you mean the world to me. And I'm over that fight. I know you didn't mean to say that, it was just a spure of the moment. I know you'd never intentionally hurt me. It's just...I wanted to reconnect with my family and deal with the funeral. You shouldn't feel bad. I ignored everyone not just you" I explained.

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