Chapter 15

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I stood in the kitchen making some ratchet nachos consisting tortilla chips and shredded cheese in the microwave, for dinner while Niall sat on my couch watching Spongebob.

"Hey what channels are porn?"

I laughed. "Niall, you're not watching porn on my TV."

"Awww come on please, I won't buy the HD versions" he whined.

"No, Niall."

Niall huffed and crossed his arms.

I handed him a plate of nachos. "Oh stop being a horny baby."

"Shut up, curly" he laughed.

I laughed also. How can you not laugh when Niall laughs? His laugh is outrageous and contageous.

"Harry, thanks for this."

"For what?" I asked taking a bite of nacho.

"For taking me in after all that. You've been looking out for me lately and we barely even know each other."

I smiled. "No prob, Ni. What are friends for?"

Niall smiled and continued eating.


Niall shifted his attention back to me. "Yeah?"

"Do you like...Liam?"

Niall's eyes grew wide. "Yeah! I love him! He's such a great person and so caring and gentle. He's always there for me."

"Awww that's cute-"

"He's such a great guy. He's like an older brother to me. Always looking out for me."

I gulped. "No, Ni. I mean do you like like Liam. More than a brother?"

Niall practically choked on his nachos. "What?!"

"Do you like Liam more than a friend or brother?"

"No! Liam's like a brother that's it!" he said frantically. "Why the hell do you keep asking me these questions, Harry? First you ask if I like Zayn after he beat my arse and now you ask if I like Liam and he's like my brother? Let me tell you something, Harry I like you. And I know I shouldn't cause I know you have thing for Louis."

My cheeks began to burn and I knew I was blushing. I opened my mouth to deny it, but he continued.

"Maybe I did have a tiny microscopic crush on Zayn, but after what he did I will never like him again. Ever. And Liam? I never thought of liking him like that. It's weird you know?"

I nodded.

"I mean he's a great guy and he has a great personality and he's fit, really fit. There was a time when I like liked him, but I never told my feelings and after a while they just started to fade. Especially after I got my first boyfriend..."

"When was this?" I asked.

"Junior year."

"How long have you known Liam?"

"Since I was two. Look I don't know how I feel okay?! I really like you, but for some damn reason I can't stop thinking about Zayn! What's wrong with me? I don't understand! I should hate Zayn right?" he gripped at his hair in frustration.


"Yeah I should hate him. I should hate him with all my heart. But I can't and I don't know why. Look I'm just confused! Really confused. I don't know anymore, okay?" he breathed.

I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Ni I get it, okay? It's been a long day you deserve some rest. I shouldn't have bombarded you with all those questions. I'm sorry."

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