Chapter 28

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*Louis' POV Continued*

"What can I get for you guys?" Max asked.

I sat there godsmacked. What the fuck was he doing here? And why the hell is he a waiter? What the hell?!

"I'll have the turkey breast with alfredo pasta" Niall replied.

"I'll have the same" Zayn smiled.

"I'll take the sirloin steak with a side of mash potatoes" Liam said.

"I'll have the chicken strips with chips" Josh said.

The closer the order got to me, the more nervous I got. I kept wondering what shit would come out of Max's mouth. What's worse is that no one else knows him or what's going on.

"I'll have the sirloin steak with mac and cheese" Harry smiled, handing his menu to Max.

Max turned to me and smirked. His gray eyes piercing into my soul. I gulped.

"And for you sir?" he asked me.

I just stared at him with wide eyes. I felt everyone watching me. Harry placed his hand on my shoulder. "Loubaby, what do you want to eat?"

I opened my mouth and glanced at Harry who was wearing a concerned expression. I looked around the table to see the lads giving me a similar look. My palms began to sweat and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Well, sir if I may say, I think the backstabbing cheating arsehole is a great choice" Max said, his voice lacing with venom.

I gulped again. It felt like I was gonna throw up all over this damn table.

Harry looked at Max who was giving me a hard look. "Is that a real dish?"

Max shifted his eyes to Harry. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend."

Harry's brows furrowed and he turned back to me. "What's he talking about?"

I couldn't open my mouth. My throat felt like it had a lump of rocks in it. I couldn't move an inch.

"I...I don't-he-I...

"Your boyfriend here kissed me when he was in Doncaster" Max said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Niall, Zayn, Liam and Josh all gasped, but Harry only looked at me. "What's he talking about?"

"I-I..." I studdered.

"Lou, what the fuck is he talking about?" Harry's eyes grew dark.

"Let's just say I'm an old friend of Louis'. We met up when he was in Doncaster. I went to the funeral and offered to take him out just for dinner, but he kissed me that night saying he still has feelings for me" Max said.

I shot him a glare which he only returned with a smirk. His smirk fell and it changed back into an innocent expression when Harry gaped at him. Lying arse bitch!

Harry glanced at me with tears in his eyes. "So this is what you've been up to? This is why you've been ignoring me?" he let out a deep breath, got out the booth, and stormed out the restaurant.

I looked at Niall, Liam, Zayn and Josh who were staring at me and Max was standing smirking as if he had won. I glared at him. I really wanted to beat his arse right now, but Harry is the important thing. I jumped out the booth not worrying about calls from behind.

I burst through the doors seeing Harry walking to his car. "Harry!"

Harry stopped and slowly turned to me. His face was red and he had tears streaming down his face. "Is it true? Did you kiss him?"

I sighed. "Well kinda...I mean he kissed me. But I was going through a lot of shit! I needed some comforting and he was there. I'm so sorry, baby. I should've told you but I couldn't. Everything else was a lie though. I don't like him. He only said that to make you mad at me."

Liam, Zayn, Niall and Josh all came out the restaurant watching what was going from behind me.

Harry's jaw clenched. "You needed some fucking comforting? I'm here, Louis! You didn't bother to call me or text me or video chat me! You could've talked to me and I would've done everything in my power to help you! But no. You wanted to run around and play 'hey feel sorry for me, my life sucks' and kiss people! That's fucking ridiculous! Getting attention in order for affection...that's such a slutty thing to do" he yelled.

Angrew brew inside me. "I'm not a damn slut, you twat! I was going through a lot and Max was there for me! Yes, he kissed me, but it was only a comfort kiss to make me feel better because you weren't with me! You don't understand what I've been through! Max followed me here, Harry. He began to get obsessive and crazy and I thought he'd leave me alone once I left, but obviously not" I said.

Harry shook his head. "Stop using that 'i've been through a lot bullshit' with me cause it's not working anymore! You fucking kissed him and you didn't tell me! You cheated on me, Louis! You promised you wouldn't hurt me anymore and you did" he cried whimpering a little making my heart ache.

"He kissed me! Baby, I'm not trying to hurt you-"

"Yeah, well you did! Look at that, another person you let down, one being your grandma. You know what you're still the same arsehole I knew seven years ago" he snapped, his complete vulnerable side replaced with an angry one.

My jaw clenched. That hit me hard. How dare he say that. "Fuck you, Harry! I swear I am this close to kicking your scrawny little arse like I did back in middle school!" I didn't mean what I was saying. I was just yelling out shit because I was so pissed and hurt.

"Fuck me? Fuck you, Louis! You're a liar and a cheater and I never wanna see you again! It's over! Go to hell!" he screamed.

At this moment we were getting attention attracted to ourselves, but I didn't care. Harry turned back to his car.


He dropped his keys and clenched his fists. Harry turned to me with dark eyes. "SCREW YOU, LOUIS TOMLINSON! I HATE YOU!"


We both pursed our lips. We always said that to each other, but afterwards we'd laugh and kiss. It was like a little inside joke to us. But now it was for real. No laughing or kissing or jokes.

Harry nodded and picked up his keys. He unlocked the door and hopped in, starting the ignition and backing up. He drove out the parking lot making sure to leave me in the dust.

"Shit!" I screamed while clutching my hair. "I-I'm sorry..." I whispered.

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