Chapter 25

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*Liam's POV*

Flashing lights and smoke invaded my vision. Alochol invaded my nose and the thick air pressed to my body. I instantly felt awkward. I, Liam James Payne, am not a club person. I'm starting to second guess why I chose to come here. It wasn't a good idea. I glanced around the club looking for anyone to talk to.

I needed to move on from Niall and find someone for me and Harry suggested a club. Yup. You could meet some real keepers at a club. Lol, not. You find a lot of thots and hoes.

I felt so out of place. I was definitely sticking out like a sore thumb.

I made my way to the bar. "Vodka" I said to the bartender as I sat down.

I tapped my fingers on the counter waiting.

"What's a cutie like you doing here all alone?" a soothing, yet sexy voice said.

I swiveled my stool, turning to a beautfiul lad. He was tall and muscular. Brown hair and gorgeous dark brown eyes. He also had black earrings and a tattoo on his arm. The way the flashing lights hit his face, illuninated it. Two words, painstrikingly beautiful.

"I-I don't know" I blushed.

He stepped closer to me. He smelled a little bit like alcohol, but not enough to make me dizzy.

"Mind if I hang with you?" he asked.

"Sure" I smiled.

He sat down next to me. "So what's your name, cutie?"

"Liam Payne."

"Hmm, Leeyum Payne. That's nice, it suits you" he winked.

"Thank you" I blushed.

This guy will be the death of me.

"I'm Josh Devine" he stretched his arm out.

"Nice to meet you" I shook his hand.

"Well I must say Payno, you are a very fit lad."

"Payno?" my brows furrowed.

"Yup" he tapped my nose making my cheeks flare and a very unmanly giggle escape my lips.

"D-do you wanna dance with me?" I asked courageously.

He smiled. "I'd be honored."

I stood up and took his outstretched hand, leading me to the dancefloor. His muscular hands latched to my hips and he placed me in a spot. He turned around and started grinding on me. I stiffened.

He turned back to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Hey, just relax" he whispered in my ear, causing chills down my spine.

I nodded and let out a shaky breath. He then turned back around and continued grinding on me. I just stood there awkwardly. Josh giggled grabbing my hands and putting them on his hips. He stuck his bum out more, making sure he pressed to my groin hard. I moaned.

"Just sway to the beat, baby that's it."

I started swaying side to side with Josh. It was fun. Josh knew how to have fun...and make me feel good.

The rest of the night we danced and talked. I ended up learning a lot about him. He loved to play drums and loved action movies. He also had a girlfriend who recently passed and he became depressed and started drinking. He said he hasn't been making the best choices latelyskipping classes, clubbing every night, hitting on anything that had a pulse. He said he was a giant wreck, but nobody's perfect. Just because Josh has been on the rocks lately doesn't mean I won't hang with him or that he's a bad person. Plus I really like him.

We found ourselves going back to his dorm, holding hands and giggling.

Tonight had been one of the best nights of my life. Josh made me feel different. He made me feel free.

When I entered his dorm, he pushed me against the door and smashed his mouth to mine. I kissed back with just as much force. Our lips moved in sync feverishly. He tasted like alcohol and a hint of strawberry. But I didn't mind. In fact, it made the kiss better. He fisted with my shirt and leaned into my neck, attaching his lips there. He nipped and sucked at my skin causing me to moan. He peeled me off the door by my collar and pulled my shirt off.

As soon as it was off, his lips were back on mine. We tumbled on his bed. Well it could be his roommate's. I don't know. I was kinda occupied.

I played with the hem of his shirt. "Take it off already" I demanded.

"Bossy" he said breathlessly. He pulled off his shirt and I ran my hands up and down his sweaty toned chest.

"Beautiful" I whispered.

Josh growled and leaned down, kissing the daylights out of me. I wrapped my arms around his legs. The door clicked and I heard it open. But I didn't care. Josh was amazing and so were his lips. They were like a drug. He was like a drug. He made me forget about why I even went to the club.

Niall who?

"WHAT THE HELL!" a familiar voice yelled.

Josh and I turned to the door and my breath caught in my throat.

Speak of the devil. It was Niall.

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