Chapter 13

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*Harry's POV*

Louis and I walked over to the dormitory with an awkward silence between us. Yes we were on good terms, but the tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with some scissors.

I was scared shitless thinking of what Zayn had done to Niall. Wondering how he could hurt such a good person and what would've happened if Zayn beat Niall up any longer or if Niall was left alone with Zayn again.

"Why does Zayn hurt Niall?" Louis asked jolting me from my thoughts.

"Well um..." the same reason you bullied me...

"Oh..." Louis said.

Wait, why did he say oh? Oh my god, did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did" Louis chuckled.

Fuck me. I did it again.

"Maybe some day" Louis smirked.

Wait, what?

"Anyway, that sucks. It's not right what Zayn's doing to Niall. I mean even though I don't know this Niall guy it's still not right. I know that sounds crazy coming from an arsehole like me but-"

I chuckled. "Louis I forgave you now stop beating yourself up."

"I can't help it. Everytime I look at you all I see is the pain in your eyes that I caused. I'm an idiot and I don't even deserve your acceptance to my apology...I wanna make it up to you. Really."

I smiled. "Lou, if you wanna make it up to me, stop beating yourself up, bringing up the past, and just try to be friends with me."

Louis smiled. "Okay, I can try."

I smiled. "Good."


We finally arrived at Liam's dorm. I tried to knock, but the door immediately swung open revealing a distraught and scared Liam.

"Thank god you came-oh hey Louis" Liam said.

"Hey, Liam" Louis waved.

Louis and I pushed our way past Liam.

I looked over and gasped seeing the sight of Niall. His nose was covered in dried blood, his shirt was covered in blood, he had a black eye that was so swollen he couldn't open his right eye. Wait, that's the same eye Zayn hit Niall before. He also had a scar across his cheek and he was holding his ribs. I'm praying to God that Zayn didn't break his ribs.

"Hey" Niall wheezed.

"Oh my god, Niall! What the hell happened?" I said rushing over to him.

"Zayn happened."

I sat down next to him and started rubbing small circles on his back, but he winced.

"What. The. Fucking. Hell. Did. That. Fucker. Do. To. You?" I asked clenching my teeth.

"I was in the dorm packing some extra stuff, ready to go to Liam's when he came in..."

*Niall's POV* (flashback)

I threw my gym shoes and a pack of gum in my duffle bag. I was packing some more stuff for Liam's. Frankly, I was getting really sick and tired of shifting back and forth.

Sleeping at Liam's. Sometimes sleeping in my own dorm when Zayn wasn't there. Sneaking into the dorm when Zayn was sleep so I could grab some stuff.

I was trying so hard not to get caught by him. Things have been shit since that kiss. Actually things have been shit before the kiss...

Just then I heard the doorknob turn and click and I stopped. Shit.

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