Chapter 9

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Yay! I just got a major migraine from discussing Louis' and I's project. Now I get to head to work and see him once again. Then he gets to come over tomorrow so we can do our project! I'm so damn excited!

Note my sarcasm.

As I was leaving the bathroom to change into my uniform, I bumped into something hard. When I looked down it was him.

Yes, down. Louis is at least three inches shorter than me.

"Watch where you're going, cocksucker!"

Cocksucker? That's a new one...

"Sorry damn!" I snapped.

Louis' jaw clenched and he stepped toward me, pushing me against the wall. "Watch who you're talking to you little shit" he growled.

"Louis go away. I don't wanna deal with this right now" I huffed.

"Nah I don't think I will."

At that moment, I grabbed my cheek from the burning sensation that was on it.

He fucking slapped me!

"What the hell?!" I yelled holding my face.

"Next time you decide to touch me, it'll be a punch to the face."

"I didn't mean to bump into you. Trust me I wanna keep as far from you as possible..."

"Just fuck off, Styles" he said walking off.

Well my first day on the job and I got slapped and threatened by Louis...Nice.

I mean he can't even be nice to me at work?

I scoffed.

Of course not. He'd be an areshole to me if I was dying of cancer.


The rest of the day went by okay. Louis never bothered me after that. He did give me some death stares, but nothing too big.

I didn't screw up either for my first day. I was pretty proud of myself. Rachel and Eleanor were also proud. For my first day I'd say it was good. But I know it would've been better if Louis didn't work there.

As I entered my flat, I gotta text from an unknown number.

Hey dickbreath, I'm coming by 2nite for the project cuz I'm busy 2morrow. I'll be by in about 25 mins.

Wow. Dickbreath that's a new one also...Where does he get all these names from?

And he was coming over tonight?! What the hell! I can't get away from his evil arse.

I sighed throwing my phone on the bed. I went to my dresser and pulled out some black sweatpants and my Jack Wills jumper that barely fit anymore but I didn't feel like finding anything else to put on.

I had enough time to take a shower and clean up around the flat.

While I was in shower, my thoughts drifted to Louis. No surprise there.

Wait, why the fuck was I even thinking of him in the shower? That's fucking creepy...Eww.

I came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around. I glanced at the clock. I had eight minutes left to clean up and my flat was a pig stye.

I'll get changed later. Right now I need to clean this hell hole.

As I was cleaning the kitchen counters, I heard a bang at the door.

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