Chapter 29

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*Harry's POV*

Its been four days since the breakup. I hadn't seen Louis at all. We had a class together, but he's been skipping. I just wanna hug him and kiss him and tell him I'm sorry because fuck, I miss him so much. But at the same time I wanna kick his stupid arse. He really hurt me. He promised he wouldn't and he did. But I was also an arsehole. I said that he let me down just like he did his grandma and I also brought up middle school. Two things that are very sensitive to him. I regret saying those, I'm such a dick. We both said some very cruel things to each other, we were both dicks. But it wouldn't have happened if he wouldn't have kissed that waiter guy.


I groan and headed to my door. When I open it I saw Niall and Zayn with huge smiles and they're holding grocery bags.

"Hey, Harry" Niall and Zayn said.

"Hi Niall, Hi Zayn" I mumble. I move aside for them to walk in. They set the bags on my table and plopped down on my couch. Well Zayn sits down, Niall just sprawls on top of him.

"Okay guys, what's going on?" I sigh placing my hands on my hips.

"We just wanted to see how you were doing" Niall replied.

"Yeah, Louis' in my biochemistry class and I haven't seen him" Zayn stated.

I sigh. "I bet he's been skipping all his classes because I have philosophy with him and I haven't seen him and frankly I'm glad I haven't. Zayn, let's not talk about him please" I huffed.

"But that's why we're here! We wanna know exactly what went down with you two. Harry, you've been sulking for days. You're in the same clothes I saw you in yesterday and you smell like tuna" Niall said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll shower when I wanna."

"Mate, please do everyone on this God forsaken planet a favor and shower. That's the least you can do since Zayn and I are cooking dinner for you" Niall held his nose.

I pouted and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and peeped around the corner to see Zayn and Niall taking out the groceries. "There are you happy?"

Niall turned to me. "I will when you get in it."

After I showered, we sat down at began to eat dinner.

"Okay, so tell me what happened" Niall said taking a bite of his steak.

"Louis went to Doncaster and he met up with this guy and the guy took him out to dinner and he kissed him. At least that's what the waiter guy said..."

"What did Louis say?" Zayn asked.

"He said that the guy kissed him and he only kissed back because he was going through a lot and the kiss was only a comfort a kiss" I explained.

"Well I don't really see what the problem is" Niall shrugged.

I gave Niall a horrid expression. "What?! What do you mean you don't see a problem?! They fucking kissed!"

"It was only a comfort kiss. Louis has no feelings for the guy and I know because I saw the look in his eyes. He didn't have the same look that he gives to you. Harry, Louis cares a lot about you. Louis said that waiter guy initiated the kiss which shows he had feelings for Louis. And Louis only kissed back because he was confused and stressed out and needed somebody. It was a simple comfort kiss to make Louis feel better. I doubt it was a full blown snog. Louis wouldn't do that to you, ever. He cares about you too much."

I sigh. "I mean, I get that it was a comfort kiss, but Louis said he had no one to talk to and that no one was there for him. He was gone for four days and totally ignored me. I called and texted him non-stop. He could've talked to me. I'll always be there for him. He didn't have to talk his problems out with some weirdo and let him kiss him."

"I get that Harry, but you gotta understand Louis. He needed someone at the moment and you weren't with him. Maybe he just wanted to focus on the funeral and ignored all other contact from people. He didn't just ignore you. I called him like six times and he never answered. But you don't know the full story and you didn't let him explain himself fully. You need to talk to him" Zayn but in.

"I will...maybe. Look I need time to think and so does Louis. We both said some fucked up things to each other and we need time to cool off. I can't-I just can't confront him yet."

Niall sighed. "Okay fine, but don't take too long. This isn't something that needs to be ignored. You two are made for each other. You look at Louis like he's the most important thing in the world and he gives you that same look. Boy if I didn't know any better, I'd say you two are in love."

My breath hitched.

Love? Did I love Louis?

I thought about it for a second. I thought about his laugh and how'd his eyes would crinkle. I thought about his hair and how carelessly he can do it and it still looked good. I thought about his tiny body and how much I love being taller than him and how I reach down and fit my chin in his shoudler perfectly. I thought about how I'd wrap my arms around him from behind and when he'd turn to me and smile and lean back into my chest. I thought about his lips and how soft and perfect they fit in mine and how'd he always manages to get my heart rate going and get the hairs on my neck to stand. I thought about all our dates and all our funny moments at work. I thought about how caring and funny and beautiful he is.

I do. I do love Louis with all my heart. We haven't even been together that long and he managed to make me fall head over heels in love with him. I'm mad at myself for realizing I love him after we broke up. I love him. I want him. I need him. I will get him back.

I smiled. "I do. I love him so much."

Zayn and Niall smiled. "Well you know what to do!" Niall said.

Zayn glanced at him. "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle?"

Niall facepalmed. "No not that, stupid arse." He turned to me. "Go get your man!"

I didn't even think another moment. I got up and grabbed my keys. When I made it outside, I stopped. I realized something else.

"Whatever problem we go through, we'll get through together."


"I promise, love."

I smiled at the memory. We will get through this. I love Louis so much. Our relationship is not ending here. I'm getting him back. What we have is too special to waste. Louis had promised me he wouldn't hurt me and even though he did, I hurt him too. I can't be all mad at him like he's the bad guy. I was just as much as an arsehole as he was. But I love that arsehole with all my heart.

I put my keys in the ignition, turned the car on and sped to the dormitory.

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