Chapter 24

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*Louis' POV*

"So who was the hottie that you talked to at the store?" Lottie asked.

"His name's Max Stern. We used to go to school together."

"He was soooo hot" Lottie gushed.

I laughed. "Sorry, Lottie but he's too old for you."

"Age ain't nothing but a number" she wiggled her brows.

I laughed and shook my head fondly at my little sister.

"We're home!"

I ran to the doorway and saw mum and dad enter the house.

"Mum, dad!" I ran and gave them each a hug.

"Louis! How's college?" mum asked.

"It's good. I'm doing well" I nod.

"That's really nice, honey."

"Met any girls?" dad asked.

My throat went dry. Shit, what do I say?

"Uh...yeah, she's in my creative writing class. She's really beautiful. Has brown curly hair and green eyes. Her name's...Harrietta" I mentally slap myself. Harrietta? Wow, Lou.

"That's great! Can we see a picture of her?"


"Um...I think you'd rather see in her person. I can't wait for you to meet her" I bite my lip.

"Oh, okay. Is that macaroni I smell?" mum asked, her eyes darting to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm making mac and cheese for dinner."

"That's nice. I'll just go wash up."

"It's so good to see you, Lou" dad patted my back.

"You too, dad" I laughed.

Five minutes later, we were all seated at the dinner table.

"So, Lou why don't tell us more about this mystery girl. What's she like?" mum asked.

"Well, like I said she's beyond beautiful. She's absolutely hilarious and cheeky. She's always positive and tries to make light of every situation. She's childish, but can get quite serious when she needs to. She's got a smile that can light up any room and she's got these dimples. She's perfect" I gush, sighing happily at the end when I think of my gorgeous Harry.

"Awww" Fizzy and Lottie cooed.

I laughed. "Yeah, I'm so lucky I got the chance to meet her again" I smiled.

"Again?" dad asked.

"Yeah, I knew her like back in middle school and I found out she goes to Man U and we're both in creative writing together. I swear if I had never saw her again, I would die. Harry-I mean Harrietta means the world to me."

"That's great, Lou. She sounds lovely."

"She is lovely" I agreed.

The rest of dinner was pretty quiet. Fizzy just talked about how much she hated her teacher, but I ignored her. My mind kept drifting to Harry. I missed him so much it hurt, but I was spending time with my family and only my family. Everything else just doesn't matter. I'll talk to Harry when I get back.

Just then I received a text from an unknown number.

From unknown number @ 7:13: hey louis its max stern:) i just wanted to know if u wanted to do anything after the funeral. if u have anything u gotta do tomorrow with ur fam after the funeral thats cool i'll understand but i just really wanna see u;) especially b4 we both leave.

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