Chapter 7

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*Harry's POV*

As I entered creative writing, I spotted Niall. He looked fidgety and pale. Oh shit. What the hell went down with him and Zayn now?

"Hey, Ni. What's wrong?"

He just sat there motionless, staring at his textbook.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, Niall?" I waved my hands in his face.

He then shook his head and looked up at me. "Oh hi."

"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a damn ghost" I said sitting down next to him.

"I-I'm fine."

"Really? I've never seen you this uneasy since Zayn picked on you the first day, what did he do?"

Niall flinched at what I figured was Zayn's name.

I clenched my teeth. "Niall, what the fuck did he do to you?"

"Nothing. He didn't lay a hand on me...well-"

"Well what?"

"He...he k-kissed me..."

My eyes grew wide. "What!"

"Shhh!" Niall said looking around the classroom making sure no one heard.

"He kissed you?!" I whisper-shouted.

Niall nodded staring at his fingers, playing with them.


He shrugged. "I have no clue. And what I really have no clue is...why I kissed him back."

"What!" I screamed, everyone in the room turning there eyes at me. 

"Shhh! I kissed him back, okay? And I don't know why the hell I did it" Niall bit his lip.

"D-do you like him?"


I raised my eyebrows to him.

Niall let out a deep breath and tapped his pencil against his desk. "I-I don't fucking know, okay. He's an arsehole. He bullies me then he just started kissing me. I don't know, Hazza. I'm so damn confused. I just went to the dorm to grab my Beats and he was just sleeping there and I kinda stared at him and he looked all cute and peaceful and then he woke up and started asking me all these uncomfortable questions and he just kissed me and I kissed back."

"Wow..." I said.

"Yeah its crazy, I know" he rolled his eyes.

"What are you gonna do? Are you gonna talk to him?"

"Fuck no! He'll probably kill me if I brought it up. Besides he'll never come back to the dorm after that."

"You don't know that, Ni. Look I'll talk to him, okay?"

"Oh no! Remember the last time you talked to him?"

"Oh you weren't even there so you don't know what happened."

"Oh come on, Harry. I know shit went down. I'm not dumb."

I sighed. "Look this time it'll be different. I'll just calmly ask him why he kissed you and if he fancies you."

"He doesn't fancy me, Haz. He hates me."

"Oh come on, Ni! He snogged your arse, I know he fancies you."

"No he doesn't...I'm nothing special. He hates me."

"How can he not like you? You're a great catch, Ni" I winked.

Niall smiled and rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up."


*Zayn's POV*

I sat there in art history, bored outta my damn mind. I mean it was an okay class, but my mind kept drifting to Niall. Ugh why did I kiss him? It was such a big mistake.

I fucking hate him with all my being. He thinks he's all cute and innocent. He's nothing special. I mean he's kinda cute, I guess. He has these deep blue eyes filled with innocence and these thin soft lips that I'd just love to touch again with my lips-fuck! I need to stop thinking of that little dumb Irish dipshit. I'm not fucking gay, okay? I'm not a fag. I like girls. Girls are hot. Guys are not.

Maybe if I keep telling myself that, I'll believe it...

Ugh I don't know why I kissed him. He was looking all flushed and adorable. I told him I can do whatever I wanted to him so I just kissed him...

I rubbed my temples from the terrible migraine I was getting.

Stop it, Malik. Get a hold of yourself. You don't fancy Niall. You don't find him attractive. You like girls not guys.

Then I got an idea.

I'd just have to beat the shit outta the leprechaun. I couldn't have these feelings so I just need to start kicking his ass more and worse. Maybe these feelings will just go away...


Well Zayn's plan is just genius ain't it? Haha no. He just needs to admit his feelings and kiss the shit out of Niall:)

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