Chapter 1

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*Harry's POV*

I couldn't belive it. I was attending Manchester University, my dream school. I've wanted to attend Manchester since I was in year nine. Now here I am. Man it felt so good to get away. Away from Gemma, mum, and Robin. Don't get me wrong I love my family dearly and miss them, but I'm in college now! I have my own flat! For once I felt like a real adult. I can do whatever the hell I wanted.

I can throw my clothes on the ground without having mum yell, "Harry, I spend 30 pounds on that shirt now put it away neatly."

Or I could leave some food out without having her yell, "Harry Edward Styles, you have exactly 10 seconds to put away those crackers or I'll throw this frying pan at you."

It was just nice to get away and not having to worry. Well scratch that I am worried. Like really worried. I was about to attend my first day of college. I was super nervous. I was taking Creative Writing, Sociology and Criminology, Business Studies and Politics, and Philosophy. I also had a free period to eat lunch which was from 12:30 to 1:10. 


When I pulled up to the school, my mouth dropped. Of course I had seen it before from campus tours and pictures online, but I still couldn't believe I was here. It was a beautiful school I might add. Lush green lawns, tall and brick old-timey buildings. There were also some new, modern buildings. Somehow the old and new just blended together. That's what I liked about it. I parked my shitty 1996 Chevy Impala in the student parking lot. Geez I really needed a new car.

I've had this one since Junior year after I got my license. It had been my mum's old car and she somehow never got rid of the junk. I sighed trying to close the car door for the fifth time. When I finally did, I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and pulled my phone out to see the time. It was 8:23 and my first class, which was Creative Writing, started in seven minutes.

Geez I hoped I look good. I spend ten minutes trying to pick out what to wear. I settled for some blue skinny jeans, brown boots, and a plaid shirt with a white one underneath. When I was nearing the building, I heard a yelp. I turned around with furrowed brows, trying to figure out what was going on. There was this bloke being picked on by another bloke.

The one who was being picked on had blue eyes with nice blonde hair that was brown at the roots. He was quite fit actually. The arsehole who was picking on him had black hair that was styled in a quiff and he had these stone cold brown almost golden eyes. He was fit as well, but I thought the blonde one was more attractive considering he wasn't the one who was a dickhead. I stepped closer to hear what they were saying.

"So I see you're back for another year?" the black-haired boy said.

"Y-yeah" the blonde choked.

"What did I tell you about coming back to this school, Ni?" he asked.

The blonde one just stared at the ground not answering. Then the black-haired grabbed him by his collar and shoved him against the wall. The poor blonde winced, a whimper escaping his lips.

"What. Did. I. Say. Ni?" he asked again slowly.

"Y-you said n-not to come b-back, because I d-don't belong here" the blonde stuttered.

"And why don't you belong here?" the black-haired boy asked with this evil smirk on his lips.

"Y-you said this school didn't allow faggots like me" he answered. 

Oh no he didn't! My body started to warm up like it was on fire. I was so fucking pissed off at what that black-haired arsehole said that to him. I loathed homophobes so much. Well obviously because I'm gay myself. I quickly stomped over to him.

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