Chapter 26

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*Liam's POV Continued*

"Josh?! Liam?! What the hell is going on here? Why are you on MY bed?" Niall screamed.

Then it clicked. Josh Devine, Niall's roommate. 

"Whoa chill out, blondie it's no big deal. How do you know Liam?" Josh said.

Niall's face grew only redder and the creases in his forehead showed. "It is a big deal! You were making out on my bed! And Liam is my best friend, arsehole!" 


"Shut up, Liam!" he yelled.

My eyes grew wide. I was taken aback. I had seen Niall this angry before, but never like this and when he did get angry, it wasn't with me. Him yelling at me hurt. 

"I can't believe you, Li! And out of all the people, him?" Niall pointed to Josh who had a smirk on his face. "Li, he's crazy and an alcoholic! He hit on me!"

Josh's smirk fell and he dropped his head. 

"Wait, it was Niall you hit on?" I asked turning to Josh.

Josh nodded, but avoided my gaze.

"He's a crazy, horny, alcoholic who needs to put his fucking shirt back on and get his dirty arse off my bed!" Niall yelled.

"Niall, calm down, we're sorry. We weren't paying attention to who's bed we were on. And stop calling Josh names. He's been through a lot of shit, you don't understand and-"

"Yeah, I understand that his stupid girlfriend died a while ago! But that gives him no right to drink all day, skip class and hit on anything that moves!"

My mouth dropped. Niall did not just say that. I turned to Josh who had tears in his eyes. He got off the bed and made his way to the door.

"I should go" he mumbled.

"josh don't leave! This is your dorm" I said.

"I don't care!" he opened the door and slammed it shut.

I turned to Niall who had his eyes closed and was rubbing his temples. I could tell he knew that what he said wasn't right, but I'm still gonna yell at his dumbarse.

"What the hell, Ni?! You had no god damn right to yell at him like that! You called his girlfriend stupid! How could you?! I understand that you're tired and your dealing with some stuff too, but there's no reason to act like a complete arsehole! You need to apologize to him. I like Josh a lot and he likes me and we wanna make this work. He will be around, Niall and he's your roommate. You need to fix this shit. I can't believe you." I got off the bed and headed towards the door. 

Niall grabbed my wrist. "Liam, I'm sorry."

I turned to him. "I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to."

And with that I was out the door leaving Niall in a state of regret and remorse.

*Harry's POV* (Yay! Haven't had one of those in a while)

Louis hadn't called me or texted me since he got into Doncaster. What's with him? Is he ignoring me? I know he's dealing with family issues, but he can at least send one text or call me for one minute. How do I know he's not dead? He could be naked in a ditch somewhere and I wouldn't know.

I picked up my cell phone and called Louis again. It rang and rang and rang and of course he didn't answer. God damn him! I send him another voicemail.

"Louis, please pick up. I miss you, babe. I know you're dealing with some things and we had a fight, but I need to talk to you. I need to hear that sweet voice of yours. Please don't be mad. I know I've been blowing up your phone but-"

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